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Gamestop: Power to the Market Players (Part 2)

This writing was copied from my blog I write about the NOPE and other options and market things there and on my twitter Cheers!
Check out Part 1 first about my thoughts on the short squeeze thesis. To clarify — I do think shorts are being squeezed in Gamestop, although this is auxiliary to the main driver of the stock’s momentum (and not, in my opinion, the primary driver of Friday’s exponential rise).
So okay, let’s go to the obvious question — if hedge fund tears didn’t cause Gamestop to rocket, what did cause it?
Wew laddy, +71.25% at the peak.
Gamestop in many ways is an extraordinary story, and has all the properties of a successful meme stock (salience):
  1. Personal name recognition/Nostalgia-For better or worse, we all know/remember Gamestop (primarily from childhood), which is similarly why Hertez performed so well in the afterlife while Mallinckrodt hasn’t.
  2. A hero and a villain — Much like Tesla, Ryan Cohen represents the hero in the Gamestop narrative, where investors can paint whatever picture of the future they want and justify whatever price tag they pay. Similarly, Melvin and Citron (I mean, even the name Melvin) and the hedge fund industry are (perhaps well-deserved) villains in the arc, helping obfuscate feelings of greed or risk by presenting it as a righteous cause.
  3. A cataly-ish — For obvious reasons Gamestop is benefiting from the console cycle, but perhaps to a lesser degree than before (its massive real world presence during a pandemic doesn’t help much).
  4. Humor-What could be more funny than investing in a relic of the early 2000s? Except maybe investing billions into 3d renderings of hydrogen powered cars.
So it isn’t a surprise Gamestop captivated the attention of the internet; despite common belief, the legend of Gamestop extended far outside wallstreetbets (although the saga of DeepFuckingValue/RoaringKitty there helped bring substantial energy to the cause).
And how does the internet show some love?
Well, it buys calls.
For better or worse, most new investors have absolutely no concept outside of simple long call/put positions (probably for the best, from experience). In general, most new market positions view long options (and, let’s face it, mostly calls) as a highly leveraged bet on the underlying akin to a lotto ticket, which works beautifully for the following reasons:
  1. Long options have asymmetric risk-reward, assuming risk-loving participants.
While in prior posts I’ve touched on the expected profit of options being zero, this is only true (it’s never actually true, due to seller’s, variance risk premium, and a host of other factors) under risk-neutral measure. In the real world, investors (especially on indices) tend to be risk-averse (weighting losses more heavily than chance of gain)… at least historically. The new class of retail investors, on the other hand, partly engendered by Robinhood’s extremely gamified UI tends to be risk-loving (“yolos”), favoring chance of gain over (higher) chance of loss.
For that type of an investor, options are akin to a casino due to convexity, or in layman’s terms, “the potential to go up a lot really fast” in value. This is of course true for stocks too (albeit less so, due to the implied leverage of options), but when an individual purchases a stock they have a rather large downside (the entire stock can become worthless). This isn’t the case for a call option, which only represents a portion of the total cost of the stock, but represents the entire upside.
2. Options have to be hedged… often in the underlying.
Before I get 1000 responses telling me this isn’t always true (especially on indices, where you have futures and all sorts of nice things) — it’s more or less true on a meme stock, which basically has no beta or correlation to any other stock (except perhaps other meme stocks). In general, one can anticipate that an option written by a market maker and sold to a retail investor (who owns a long position from that transaction) is hedged in the underlying stock, which obeys the same rules of buying and selling pressure. This is even more apparent in stocks with low float, which tend to move in price substantially with relatively low volume traded. You can imagine how few option contracts it similarly takes (given the implied leverage up to 100 shares worth of delta) to actually move the price (I’ve seen call options move the spot in real time, for instance, on Del Taco stock before earnings).
3. Option buying begets option buying.
What happens when a few individuals buy options on a stock? It moves up slightly (usually in proportion to how many options were bought, what time period they were bought in, and how large the underlying’s float is). This triggers the happy centers in peoples’ brains (yay, we’re making money) and triggers more buying of calls.
More interestingly, option convexity is largely due to the Greek gamma, which simply refers to the rate delta changes in response to changes in the underlying’s spot price. Delta more formally measures how much we expect the option price to change as the spot price changes, but more usefully for this example can represent how many shares equivalent the option contract controls at the given price. This is why delta represents the hedge ratio — if you, for instance, write a 100 delta (ITM) call option and sell it, you need to equivalently own 100 shares of that stock to neutralize your risk.
Delta is interesting (my favorite Greek) because it is heavily non-linear, and changes in response to:
  1. Spot price (gamma)
  2. Time to expiration of the option (charm)
  3. Volatility of the underlying (vanna)
These are all second order derivatives, so you probably are lost by now if you didn’t take calculus at some point.
So why is gamma important here?
Unlike controlling the equivalent delta’s worth of shares, the value of an option contract increases at a faster rate as it gets closer to in-the-money. This is (one of the reasons) why options have convexity — the value of an OTM call option contract goes up faster as it gets closer to ITM, with a potential for (5,10,100,200+)**-**baggers (multiples of how much you paid for the initial) if you play it right.
What’s even more interesting though than gamma alone, however, is pairing it with theta, the decay of an option’s value as the time-to-expiration draws closer. This tends to have a strong relationship to the implied volatility — theta represents the time value of the option (extrinsic), and implied volatility is largely the market consensus of the potential for the underlying to move in the time remaining on the option. However, as the days tick down, the time for that move to actually happen diminishes, and therefore the value of the option similarly goes down with it.
As IV increases, theta usually does (especially on short term options), and vice versa. (Helpful video by the tastytrade crew —
So, given my tendency to ramble, the question is — why is this important? Let’s look at gamma and theta in the context of 0-day-to-expiration (0dte) options, and try to piece together what happened to Gamestop on January 22, 2021.

0 Days to Live

0dte options have long been a mainstay of the dopamine addicted day-trader community (including me, sometimes) given they represent the purest form of lottery ticket:
  1. They expire at the end of the day — You don’t need to go to bed and worry about your position, because it’s either closed or worthless.
  2. They’re cheap, generally-Theta in particular becomes exponential for 0dte options, and you can quickly buy positions on sale just to gamble as the end of the day grows closer.
  3. They still represent implied leverage and have that tasty convexity-Like their more respectable brethren, 0dte options still represent the underlying and have all the neat Greeks (gamma, delta, vanna, pajamas, etc.) which make their payouts non-linear and fun.
In general, the optimal strategy to capitalize on 0dte long options is to buy as late as possible in the day, to allow theta to provide as much leverage to you as cheaply as possible.

Let’s Imagine a Scenario Here

Let’s imagine you have a high implied volatility stock that has been stable/slightly declining in price for multiple days. During that time period, theta is aggressively destroying the value of long options, while IV is similarly dropping (both due to theta and due to relative lack of movement). As we get to the final day (this is a weekly, for example), much of the option’s value has now disappeared.
This impacts both put and calls open, though. And let’s say a mean orange decided to start a war on your stock in the days before, causing a flood of short-term puts to hit the market during that week, which had minimal effect (largely due to continual call buying of longer-dated options coupled with actual shares buying pressure due to belief of a short squeeze/Ryan Cohen being the second coming of Christ).
What happens when those puts start to expire? As the days and then hours tick down, the hedges of those put positions (shorted shares) start to unwind, and buying pressure picks up.
Similarly, this buying pressure is noticed by market participants, who start to capitalize on the momentum by buying 0dte call options. These at first have minimal impact, largely because the inflow and outflow of call delta are roughly equivalent (somewhat of a bias towards inflow, pushing price up alongside share buying).
But towards the middle of the day, two interesting things happen:
  1. Theta and charm become more and more prominent in both making new option positions cheaper and unwinding existing put and call positions.
  2. Gamma starts to become more dominant due to the high implied leverage versus cost of 0dtes, leading to the virtuous cycle (option buying begets option buying).
These two effects tend to be complementary — as the hedges unwind (given the weekly puts from Citron/the short seller attack) for existing option positions, new 0dte positions can be bought and bought, each time pushing up the underlying as well as increasing the value and delta of other 0dte positions.
This can be neatly observed in the option volume versus open interest for the 1/22 series on GME:
This is fine.
Although more puts traded, the delta (for obvious reasons) of calls is much higher.
As the price of the stock goes higher and higher, this continues to attract more and more speculation, hoping to capitalize on the continued momentum. This continues in a loop:
  1. The price of the underlying continues to increase as put hedges unwind, volatility spikes, and call options are bought (the initial delta hedge).
  2. The increase in price leads to gamma of existing contracts increasing the delta of those contracts.
  3. This leads to more shares being bought to hedge those increasingly higher delta positions.
  4. This leads to more speculation and momentum.
An interesting property of $GME from Friday you can neatly observe is the highest strike in the series is $60, meaning that at Friday’s close, every single call option expiring 1/22 expired ITM. More interestingly is the relationship with gamma, again observable below:
As a contract moves further and further ITM (at one point, GME hit $76 intraday), the gamma of the contract decreases as delta hits 100 on the position. This implies a cap on the momentum from the virtuous cycle described above — while continued call buying can of course drive up the price further, not only does the cost become prohibitive (given that a deep-ITM position is basically equivalent to buying 100 shares in payout), it becomes linear (and therefore boring). Once 100 delta is reached, there is no more cycle of increasing spot price causing increasing share buying, only normal share buying.
And that’s when it drops.
It’s hard to say whether the halt caused the drop (given the mental association halts have to pump and dumps for most investors). In this case the drop assuredly coincided with the halt, but more importantly, we can observe where the drop ended:

57.99 is such a pretty number.
In this case, we can observe the drop in price stabilized at $58, before rapidly jumping above $60. This is largely due to gamma and continued 0dte call buying buttressing the fall — as the positions fell farther OTM, shares used to hedge those positions are sold off, further driving the price down (in this scenario, the dealers are almost assuredly short gamma). However, similarly those positions-now closeOTM and close to expiry-become cheaper at a fairly exponential rate (due to theta and charm).
Speculators again gain conviction, pushing the price up above the highest strike (to the point where gamma provides no real extra push versus the clock ticking down).
This is what we call a gamma squeeze, and isn’t a terribly uncommon phenomenon. It largely follows similar patterns:
  1. In general, gamma squeezes tend to happen closer to OPEX, due to both hedge unwinding (in the case of a previous put skew, for instance) and due to the 0dte effects mentioned.
  2. In general, there is both a rapid rise (due to gamma looping and speculators joining) with a similarly steep cliff (especially if the available strikes is exhausted, like what happened to $GME).

Can it be continued forever, though?

In general, the answer unfortunately is yes.
Gamma squeezes in generally power meme stocks, and require a few elements to be true:
  1. Continued supply of strikes and promise of convexity — Put gamma squeezes rarely happen because well, the maximum value of a put option occurs when the underlying hits 0. Calls, however, have an infinite potential payoff and strikes similarly can be added indefinitely. This allows continued creation of OTM options, which due to cheap premium and asymmetric risk-reward on longs power the gamma squeeze.
  2. Continued momentum-In general, meme stocks follow the greater fool theory, despite promise of rocket emojis. When they drop, they drop hard.

This is because, as previously mentioned, meme stocks are powered by long calls sold by market makers, who are chronically short gamma. Any selling begets more selling. Even periods of quiescence are dangerous, because without continued inflow of call delta, hedges unwind, and the selling pressure begins.
  1. Continued attention-This is where salience shines. The major reason Tesla (the OG gamma squeeze) continued to rocket throughout 2020 was largely due to Elon Musk’s charisma and Tesla’s promise of a better world. It becomes a lot easier to stomach risk for an investor when following a strong personality with a killer story. This role was largely played in Gamestop’s saga by Ryan Cohen, and fed into (potentially unwittingly) by the battle with Citron and the mystique of DeepFuckingValue. It remains, however, to be seen if this will continue.
The moral of the story here is retail, for better or for worse, finally learned how to weaponize options. We’ll see what happens next.
submitted by the_lilypad to thecorporation [link] [comments]

$240k/hour - the perfectly legitimate way to farm money from the Diamond Casino

Introductory reading:
As mentioned in the linked post, gambling at the Inside Track in the Diamond Casino can be very lucrative since
To summarize the post, the odds for each horse is converted into a raffle system where each horse gets a corresponding number of raffle tickets for their odds. A ticket is then picked at random to determine the winner. Since the payout is directly correlated to the odds, this means that if there are less than 100 tickets between all horses, then each horse now has a higher chance of winning than their payout suggests (and if higher than 100 tickets, then a lower chance of winning). Determining if one should bet on a given race, then, is easily scriptable:
def shouldBet(odds): """ Determines if the player should bet on a race given the known raffle logic. :param odds: A list of ints, representing the denominators for each odds. "Evens" is represented with 1. :return: True if the player should bet, False otherwise. """ running_sum = 0 for item in odds: num_tickets = 100 / (item + 1) running_sum += num_tickets if running_sum <= 100: print("Bet: {}".format(100/running_sum)) return True else: print("Do not bet: {}".format(100/running_sum)) return False 
I used this script to determine my betting behavior for an hour and ended up with this:
Obviously, I can always run multiple trials to make this more accurate, but preliminary results suggest an income of $240k/hour. It requires a lot of typing/clicking and is easier with multiple screens to switch back and forth between GTA and the script, but otherwise is pretty brainless to do.
The script does not specify which horse to bet on, because as mentioned the payout for each horse directly correlates to its odds of winning, so the expected value for each horse is the same (a horse with 50% chance of winning will 2x your money, a horse with 1/8 chance of winning will 8x your money, and so on). However, it makes the most sense to bet the max on the horse with the highest odds (assuming the round is expected to be profitable in general), which is what I did for this trial.
submitted by BrokeDiamond to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Non-combat $100,000/hr for noobs.

I haven't played GTA V/Online since 2014, so things have changed a bit. It's all quite overwhelming for newcomers or returning players, especially if you get the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack like I did.
I snagged my Motorcycle Club, my Bunker, and free vehicles, and proceeded to follow guides for making money with those businesses. I sank too much into them, to the tune of getting down to $500,000 with no profit coming in because I was getting skunked as a solo player, even in a solo public session.
The most difficult part of it all is dealing with the sharpshooter NPC's. These guys are ridiculous! So, we're aiming for non-combat jobs.
That said, here's what I recommend folks do: - Snag the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack for the $1,000,000. - Link your Amazon/Twitch Prime account with your Rockstar Social Club account to snag another $200,000 (and another $200,000 after 4 weeks consecutive play, supposedly). - Grab a bulletproof helmet ($20,000) from a clothing store, and ensure it's always equipped. (You may skip this, as it's really not necessary, but will help if you get pinned somewhere.) - Purchase a Mini SMG ($8,900). - Purchase a Pegassi Bati 801 motorcycle ($15,000). - Play Mission Repo - Simeonics until Rank 16 (Pause Menu > Online > Jobs > Rockstar Created > Missions > Repo - Simeonics). Profit $16,170. - Once Rank 16, play the Chasers II mission (Pause Menu > Online > Jobs > Rockstar Created > Missions > Chasers II). Queue into it, select Hard, and on the next screen, select Closed so no one else joins so you don't have to wait for them. Start a timer once you load in, go grab the car, ignoring people shooting at you (they'll stop once you get close enough to the destination), and turn in the vehicle once you pass 4:00. Profit $9,480. - Repeat - Once you get to $1,500,000, see this post or watch this video to start making $240,000/hr until you reach $2,200,000.

Notes for fellow noobs

Snacks are how you regain health. Your free CEO office has an executive assistant that provides snacks for free. These can be consumed on-the-fly via the Interaction Menu at Inventory > Snacks.
Ammo can be purchased for your currently-held weapons via the Interaction menu at Inventory > Ammo.
Visit the casino once per day (real time). No matter what, it's worth the drive, even if just for a few thousand RP.
At this point in the GTA Online lifespan, your goal should be to obtain a submarine ($2,200,000) in order to do the Perico Heist. So, after grabbing your free cash, and spending some dough on the aforementioned items, you should be sitting at $1,156,100 before even starting any jobs. You're practically halfway to the submarine already...
The reason we wait for 4:00 is due to the way payout is calculated. Further reading here.


I tried a bunch of things, but what boiled down to being most profitable-to-ease of completion, in order of best to okay, were: 1. Chasers II 2. Repo - Simeonics 3. San Andreas Seoul 4. Warehouse 1x Crate Pickup & Delivery
``` | Job | Avg Time to Complete | Net Profit | Avg Profit per Minute | Profit per Hour | | ------------------ | -------------------- | ---------- | --------------------- | --------------- | | Repo - Simeonics | 10:00 | $16,170.00 | $1,617.00 | $97,020.00 | | Chasers II | 6:45 | $9,480.00 | $1,404.44 | $84,266.67 | | San Andreas Seoul | 9:00 | $11,380.00 | $1,264.44 | $75,866.67 | | Warehouse 1x Crate | 8:00 | $9,000.00 | $1,125.00 | $67,500.00 |
Sample Size for each: 10 ```


Taking into account the costs for each warehouse, we'd have to do roughly 9 hours of solo 1x crate jobs before breaking even. However, these will come in handy with vehicle cargo if I decide to do that in the future.
While Repo - Simeonics is more profitable, it's also slightly more difficult. Taking your Bati 801 to the airport twice to grab two cars takes some time, and has more room for error, especially considering the wanted level at the beginning. That said, the only choke point is at the entrance/exit of the airport, and really isn't an issue. But it is worth noting.
Chasers II can be done in around 2:00, with 2:00 of waiting in Simeon's parking lot to turn in. This can definitely be more boring, so I am currently switching it up between Chasers II and Simeonics.
Once you're ~ Rank 40, you should be able to do some better missions, as mentioned in this post, but you should have already done the Perico Heist by then, and at that point the missions will be less than what you can make with Perico.

Testing Parameters:

Each mission was timed from the beginning of loading into the queue to loading back into free roam.
Crate jobs were timed from leaving the CEO laptop, picking up, taking to warehouse, selling and dropping off, to returning to the CEO office. Office used was Maze Bank West, while warehouses used were White Widow Garage ($360,000) and Convenience Store Lockup ($250,000).
All tests performed using PlayStation 5 with MTU set to 750. With default MTU setting, queuing into missions may be quicker, and therefore even more profitable.


Why not Sightseer?
Sightseer, the CEO/VIP Work, is definitely non-combat. However, there are so many variables here, that it's just not worth it. You're usually taken on a wild goose chase throughout the northern section of the map. You need a fast airborne vehicle for Sightseer to be worth it. But even then, you probably already have better means of income.
That said, give it a shot! Even if it takes you all 15:00 to complete, it's still $20,000 ($25,000 if completed in under 5:00, but let's not kid ourselves). This comes out to $1,333/min if done in 15:00, or $2,000/min if done in 10:00.


12/30/2020 - Added Questions section - Added information regarding Sightseer. - Added information regarding CEO Vehicle Cargo.
submitted by CafeRoaster to gtaonline [link] [comments]

Sleeping Dogs Poker Mahjong Guide

Sleeping Dogs: Poker Mahjong guide

Hello! I've not seen any advice on how to win at Poker Mahjong in Sleeping Dogs, so here's a guide for anyone who might be struggling with it.
How do I access Poker Mahjong?
You can play Poker Mahjong at either of the two gambling dens located offshore to the north and south of the map. These locations are reachable by boat after completing the main story mission 'Bride to Be'.
What are the rules of the game?
Poker Mahjong in Sleeping Dogs is basically a form of video poker (see, but played with a deck of mahjong tiles. The tiles are all of the same suit and are numbered from 1 to 6.
You play against one computer opponent (the house, or dealer). I'll refer to them as your 'opponent' for consistency.
  1. You first choose how much to bet on the round, from 500 Hong Kong dollars up to 5000.
  2. Both players are dealt five mahjong tiles. Tiles are numbered from 1 to 6. These tiles are called your 'hand'.
  3. Your opponent always plays first. He chooses to discard any number of tiles from his hand and pushes them in front of the tiles he plans to keep - you can see from the table which ones will be discarded.
  4. The above happens before you get to do anything. Then it's your first turn. You can choose to discard any of the tiles from your hand.
  5. New tiles are drawn from the deck to replace all the tiles that were discarded.
  6. There is a second turn of discarding and drawing new tiles.
  7. Once those new tiles are added to your hand, both players' hands are evaluated, and the player with the better hand wins the round.

What are the winning hands?
The table below shows the ranks of each hand from lowest to highest, along with the payout.
High card 1:1
Pair 1:1
Two Pair 1:1
Three of a Kind 2:1
Straight 2:1
Full House 3:1
Four of a Kind 4:1
Five of a Kind 5:1
Updated: Payouts are implemented oddly in the game. A payout of 1:1 means that you win an amount equal to your original bet. The best hand, Five of a Kind, pays out 5:1 which means that you can win $25000 on a bet of $5000. You don’t actually get your original bet back, though. So, for hands that give 1:1 payouts, actually you only get back your bet, you don’t earn any money for winning.
How does the game decide who wins each round?
During the evaluation of both players' hands, each component of your hand is compared against the equivalent in the other player's hand, in order of importance.
Tiles that aren't part of a winning hand aren't compared - for example, if you both have Four of a Kind 6's (6,6,6,6), the fifth tile is ignored, resulting in a tie.
I'll use 'rank' to refer to the payout table and 'strength' to refer to the numbers on the tiles that make up the hand.
The comparing of hands by strength (tile value) isn't stated clearly in the game, so it's easy to not notice this and assume that you have to outright beat your opponent's hand in rank. It also means that (if you ignore the fact you always play second) your opponent has the same chance to draw winning hands as you do. This means in the long term, you would expect to win 50% of the rounds, and with the high payouts on good hands, you can expect to win money over time rather than losing it (unlike most casino games based on chance).
Can I win Poker Mahjong consistently?
Yes! Over time, you can beat the computer player consistently. You can make about $100k per (real-world) hour of play, depending on how lucky you get. (It would be more if the controls and animations were faster.)
There's several reasons for this:
  1. You can expect to win 50% of the time and lose 50% of the time, on average, before taking into account how well you and your opponent play. The payout structure means your winnings on good hands will tend to exceed your losses.
  2. You get to play second, so you can respond to your opponent's final move before the hands are evaluated. This gives you a slight edge in cases where your opponent decided to stick with a 'safe' hand instead of trying to improve his hand.
  3. Your opponent tends to overvalue low-strength tiles and undervalue high-strength tiles. These bad decisions can be exploited.
  4. Your opponent tends to hold on to Straight or Full House hands as long as your hand can't beat them. This means you can sometimes win by getting a stronger Full House or Four of a Kind just before the end of the round.
Obviously some luck is involved, so sometimes you'll have a run where your opponent keeps getting unbeatable hands, or vice versa.
How much should I bet?
You should always bet the maximum amount ($5000). However, if you come to the table with less than $100,000 and you're unlucky during your session, you might run out of cash before your luck turns around.
(Poker Mahjong isn't the fastest way to earn money in Sleeping Dogs. If you want to make money fast, you can bet up to $100,000 a time on the cockfighting in Kennedy Town docks. You'll win $100,000 (and get your bet back) if you picked the winning bird.)
What's the general strategy?
You get to play after your opponent, so the general approach is to look at what your opponent is discarding, and then translate that information into a strategy for your own hand. Ideally, you want to get a Full House or better. Low Pairs/Two Pairs and Straights are usually not worth keeping. Also, the payouts below Full House are not worth aiming for even if you do beat your opponent with a low hand.
Now let's look at some scenarios in rough order of frequency.
1. Opponent has a low pair (1,1 to 3,3) and is discarding all other tiles.
You should aim to get Three of a Kind, Full House or Four of a Kind.
You can do this by building on a Pair of your own (if you already have one starting out), or, if you have a high tile (5 or 6 - if you have both, just keep the 6), you can discard all other tiles and hope for a 5 or 6 to appear in the draw. It'll depend on whether you already have a Pair that would beat your opponent's Pair. If your Pair is the same strength or weaker, discard it.
2. Opponent has Two Pair or you both have Two Pair.
There is a good chance that your opponent will improve their hand to Three of a Kind or Full House, so you need to aim for the same. If you have Two Pair yourself, the best way to do this is usually to keep your high Pair and discard the other three tiles. Then you can hope to build a strong Three of a Kind or better.
It's tempting to just discard the one tile that isn't part of your Two Pair, but then you lock yourself out of the possibility of Four of a Kind (which you need if your opponent gets a Full House) and you may end up matching your lower pair, giving you a weak Full House. Also, you're actually less likely to get a Three of a Kind with this play, which would be enough to win if your opponent fails to improve their hand.
The maths for the above play is estimated as follows. Assume each tile has an independent probability of being drawn of 1/6, and your Two Pair is 6,6 and 5,5. Then if you discard the single other tile, you need a 5 or 6 to get a Full House. The chance of this happening is 2/6 = 33%. If you keep the high pair and discard the other tiles, you need a 6 in any of the three new tiles to get Three of a Kind (and 2 or more would make your hand very strong). The chance of getting at least one 6 is 1-(5/6 * 5/6 * 5/6) = 42%.
3. You both have nothing, or your opponent has nothing while you have a low or mid-strength Pair.
If you have a high tile, consider discarding everything else and trying to get a good hand using the high tile - especially if your Pair is weak. Otherwise, build on your existing Pair.
4. Opponent has a Straight (1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6).
Straight is a weak hand and is frequently vulnerable to a Full House play. You will usually not see your opponent try to build a Straight from having four of the five tiles. It will usually happen instead at the start of the round, or randomly during the round.
Your opponent will hold on to their Straight as long as you have a weaker hand. Your play should be to build on any existing Pair or better in your hand, to aim for a Full House or Four of a Kind. Discard all tiles that don't help with this.
If you start with a Straight, don't bother keeping it. Discard everything except the high tile. Only keep a Straight if it's the last round and your Opponent has a Pair or worse going into the final draw.
5. Opponent has Three of a Kind or Full House, or better.
Most of the time you'll lose if your opponent has Four- or Five of a Kind.
You need to aim for a stronger Full House than your opponent's, if possible. If you have a 5 or 6 in your hand, keep that and discard the rest.
Or you might have a Full House, but it's weaker than your opponent's. In that case, you should discard the Pair and hope to get a Four of a Kind with your set of three.
This guide is based on a playthrough of Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition on Xbox One.
Comments and feedback welcome!
submitted by txsling to sleepingdogs [link] [comments]

Joker Gaming Slot Games Review

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In this article, I'm going to go through some of the highlights of what joker123 offers its members, as well as give you a quick overview of what makes this site so special. As an online casino member, you will enjoy a complete range of live casino games including Texas Holdem, Blackjack, Slots, Baccarat, Craps and more. If you're looking for a site that offers nothing but the best quality games, then the joker Sparrow online slot machine is the one for you. The joker123 real money slot machines offer some of the best payouts available, and they come with a wide range of bonuses and prize opportunities.
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No review of joker gaming would be complete without mentioning its top slot online joker388. This is a game that uses a special slot machine known as the Pulse Smart Pulse. When you place your money into this slot machine, you'll be required to watch a 3D movie spinning on the screen. You need to aim carefully and pull the trigger when you want the ball to land in the bargain zone. Once the bermain area is complete, the game will end and you will receive your winnings.
To finish up, I'd like to give you my last bit of gaming joker information about the other four slot games offered at this site. The first one is called the Jackpot Slot Machines. The jackpot pays out an astronomical amount of cash, and it is possible for multiple people to win the jackpot at once. The second slot game is known as the Double Impact Slot Game. There are two ways how you can end up winning here, and you'll get your money if you hit the correct combination.
submitted by kekenvfr to JokerGamingSlot388 [link] [comments]

Joker123 2021 New Coming Slot Review - Viking and Dragon Slot

Online club games engineer Joker123 2021 have made considerable progress as of late, moving endlessly from conventional organic product machine style slots, to undeniably further developed video slot games, and Viking and Dragon is an extraordinary illustration of the exclusive requirement that has now gotten normal from this Austrian organization. Loaded up with 3D pictures of sledges, lance, protective caps and obviously, a Viking, this online slot machine accompanies enough additional items to help you plunder the club of their wealth, by giving you free twists with multipliers, wild replacements and the opportunity to bet rewards again and again. Vikings appear to spring up in heaps of slot games, while winged serpents are an especially hot (sorry), point, yet rarely do they share space in a similar game. The Viking stars on the reels, while our well disposed mythical serpent is kept to a solitary picture at the highest point of the game screen, where the individual in question watches a heap of gold coins and a major money box. Moving slopes show up behind the reels, for a fresh, cleaned up plan which suits the topic.
While Vikings had gained notoriety for being fearsome heroes, they were really a genuinely modern part, at any rate when they weren't caught up with killing individuals, and the red-hairy character we find in the Viking and Dragon video slot just looks somewhat fearsome as he smiles at players from the reels. Like all Joker123 games, this is a reasonable and dependable slot with an exceptional yield to player rate, so he unquestionably won't be hoping to loot from your bankroll.

Paytable Unlocks the Norse Code

A survey of the paytable is a valuable method of seeing what every image is worth and how the extra highlights work. Conventional playing card images 9, 10, J, Q, K and An are splendidly shaded symbols that will restore the lower esteem wins when they land across any of the 25 paylines of this 5-reel slot machine, and you will require at any rate 3 of a sort to show up in a whole succession from the left side, while a scope of Viking-related picture images pay the higher prizes. These incorporate the reinforcement and head protector that our Viking companion wears into fight, alongside his trusty lance and an ornamental sledge which settles up to 100x the line stake when it's across all reels. The Viking is the top image notwithstanding, and when he's on reels 1 and 2 across a payline you win a little prize, while full runs of 5 Vikings pays 200x the line stake, in addition to you get a short activity when he's in a triumphant combo.
Indeed, even the payouts from the Viking could not hope to compare to what you can guarantee when the shield image stops across a line, as it pays prizes going from 12x to 600x the line stake, contingent upon the number of show up, in addition to this is a wild image that will have the option to go about as some other, aside from the money box. In the event that you have a break in a run of images and the wild is in the ideal spot, it will substitute, you actually get a success line, and it's likewise ready to stretch out lines further across to the correct side, prompting higher-esteem blends. Additional wild images can be added aimlessly after any turn, with somewhere in the range of 3 and 15 more positioned on the reels in Joker123 Casino.

A Boxful of Bonuses

The money box is a reward disperse Joker123 image that won't should be in a specific places and is worth 40x, 100x, or 500x the line stake when found in 3, 4, or 5 situations immediately. When these honors have been paid out, you are additionally treated to 8, 12, or 20 free twists. The furthest right chest image that set off the round could likewise uncover a success multiplier of somewhere in the range of 2x and 5x that will apply to any prizes won for the term of the free games. On the off chance that the money box shows up anytime during these twists, you could be allowed an additional 2, 3, 4, or 5 extra twists, with no furthest cutoff to the number of are granted, transforming this money box into a case pressed loaded with esteem.
submitted by bosskuclub to u/bosskuclub [link] [comments]

Playing the Login Joker Poker Machine With the Ataupun Dapat Dimainka

When one is looking for a slot machine that they can play at a casino or even in their home, there is always a good chance that they will find the login Joker Machines. The reason why they are so popular is because they have a nice payout rate and because of all of the fun that they can have. It is important to learn about these slot machines before you make your final decision when to play or not.
To start off, the login joker slot machine online has a maximum of two coins per streak. This means that if you hit two coins in a row, you will get a win. The nice thing is that this machine is worth a lot of money and is considered one of the best in the business. The highest payout rates on this machine are located in the high stakes tables and the highest payouts are around five hundred dollars.
After getting your payment, you will be able to use the slot joker123 online and start playing for real. There are many things that you need to know when it comes to playing these machines. One is that you should know that there are two colors that you can use for this machine. You have to choose between green and black.
The green color is usually associated with good luck, so it is something that you should consider using when you are playing this slot machine. If you are lucky enough to get this, then you will be able to earn more credits. However, you should know that you will not be able to change the colors no matter how many times you put the coins in.
The last tip for playing the login joker123 fun slot online is to remember the one star in a row. This is considered to be very unlucky. It will cost you two credits to change it. Also, this is the only kind of slot machine where you can lose a star. This may seem like bad luck but it is actually a good thing because you will be able to earn more credits if you win. In addition, you need to know that the icons displayed on the machine are different from what you see on the traditional slots.
The two colors are based from the Chinese symbol for light and darkness. They are based from the colors of the rainbow and they are also based from the symbol for infinity. As long as you remember these two colors and their meanings, you will be able to play well and win. Finally, when you play the slot machine login joker123 with the Ataupun Dapat Dimainka you can try your luck on any of the four images that are placed on the screen. You can click on the avatar for example if you would like to check out the cat in the hat. However, there are some tips and guides that can help you get a better slot machine experience.
submitted by jifeci to Joker123MachineCash [link] [comments]

Kylin AMA recap — with Crypto Society -28 December 2020 Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO

Link to AMA Recap
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Let’s do it!
Bilo 2000
It’s our pleasure to have you with us today, Dylan Dewdney, Kylin Network’s CEO. I would like to welcome you here on behalf of our entire community.
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Thanks so much and look forward!
Bilo 2000
Could we begin with a brief history of yourself and your team, and your roles at Kylin Network and what you were doing before Kylin Network?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
I’ll try and keep it brief, though it’s a pretty long story tbh:
For me:
1) I wanted to be an academic, and I was really interested in revolutions and social movements throughout history. In paradigmatic revolutions, ideas about Hegelian Dialectics, punk ethos, the Situationists, etc.
2) Started to get into ideas about value in online life in 2006–7
in game currencies and economies
then discovered BTC randomly in late 2010
Shelved it in my mind then came across it again late 2011, and just got progressively more involved in the space/industry
Lots of twists and turns
That’s me in a nutshell. Re: the team:
We are a pretty deep group, and I am unsure of other groups in Polkadot space at least with as many heavyweights involved
We were all sort of biding our time until a technical framework came along that we felt could comprehensively, and economically solve the Oracle Problem.
We felt that was Polkadot. When the time was right, we struck.
Bilo 2000
Thanks for indulging — Always interested in hearing about revolutionaries like you and many in this ecosystem :)
Can you tell us about why you thought Kylin Network needed to be built and what problem it solves?
How did Kylin Network start?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
I felt that the Oracle Problem needed to be solved, that is, how do we connect real world events and info to the chain?
I didn’t think it could be solved adequately until Polkadot came along. I think the idea was that ERC-20 / ethereum was the route to a lot of this, but the technical team there really sat a lot tbh. I know this because I know people close to the highest levels of that team and some people were literally just chilling for a while.
Bilo 2000
Nice! — thanks
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
I might be speaking out of turn, but we needed a framework and we needed a technical innovation in order to unlock the potentiality of an economical oracle solution
That was contained in Polkadot — there are still some major challenges ahead, but the basic way forward of a shared relay chain is the correct way IMO
Bilo 2000
How would you describe Kylin Network if you were talking to someone unfamiliar with digital assets?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
If they were completely unfamiliar with digital assets, I’d say, well, you know google and Facebook are ad companies, right? And these companies form an overall global economy based on the buying and selling of data. Well, what if this buying and selling of data was not centralized? What if companies could monetize any sort of data they wanted, or hook into premium data feeds and squeeze value where they couldn’t before?
Bilo 2000
Very interesting
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
That’s what Kylin represents in the long-term vision.
The low-hanging fruit and the easier part quite frankly is enabling the DeFi world in crypto, which depends on reliable price feeding. If I’m selling apples, I need to know how much people will pay
We help people have a reliable picture of the price of apples
Bilo 2000
Thanks — great explanation!
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
my pleasure!
Bilo 2000
Some more technical questions here:
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Bilo 2000
If you run a validator or nominator on either Polkadot or Kusama, does that increase your chances to be able to run a Kylin validator in the earliest stages of Kylin Network?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Well, yes, in a circumspect, way, though
We have a vetting process to become part of the first round of validators and one of the indicators would likely be that
Bilo 2000
Since you are building as a project in the DOT ecosystem: what are your plans for the rococo testnet, and eventually for the DOT parachain auctions in 2021? What is your goal and how do you intend to achieve it?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
As soon as the POC testnet is done, we will press forward.
With respect to the parachain auctions, we are gathering resources for a massive shot at this IMO.
The goal is to get to parachain, of course, but the biggest goal is use and use cases and people getting value out of what we are up to.
Bilo 2000
As a decentralized data network, and mainnet en route for q1 2021 are there already established use-cases, i.e. concrete partnerships in the sectors that you list as possible applications on your main site, that you could reveal or describe?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Just to be clear, mainnet is probably late q2 (if not q3)
Established use case is clear: traditional oracle services for which we have already announced many partnerships (and more to come!): tidal, reef, deficliq, etc. etc.
Bilo 2000
Ok — good to know — thanks for correcting that
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
These projects are willing to partner based on this use case alone as we are able to provide oracle services extremely economically (i.e. we will likely power our own basic price feed)
With respect to use cases outside of price feeding for defi — there are some concrete things we’ve been discussing with partners: i.e. helping them monetize idle data and data sets behind a KYL-enabled paywall. A lot of the info at the command of these projects is extremely valuable.
Bilo 2000
Thanks — I will get to some of the oracle type question further on in the conversation
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
In addition, there are cool innovation paths that — to some extent — have value to society that can’t really be measured in crypto or dollars like validating election outcomes, or unfettering the concentration of wealth to the centralization of the internet
Bilo 2000
That’s great and actually leads down a path where I personally am seeing more and more adoption of social benefits rather than only financial ones. Good on you and your team!
love your gifs btw :)
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
One thing that I’m particularly keen on helping to kick-start is the monetization of genomic data
Bilo 2000
That requires a high level of privacy — how do you address that?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
People can literally start potentially whole companies on the basis of an ideation within Kylin
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
One of the bottlenecks is that indeed.
Bilo 2000
Fair enough — very glad to see that it’s an acknowledged challenge which only means it’s something you view as essential
Bilo 2000
When it comes to Application Scenarios, Kylin mentions “automatic payment of insurance such as flight delay insurance” and “off-chain real-time price data” as well as “casinos and games.” Are you engaged with non BC real world companies in relation to these scenarios and if so can you tell us more, even some names if possible please?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Kylin allows a framework whereby data can be bought and sold in a decentralized way. This element has been missing previously, so projects like these:
have had sort of a basic issue in the past that they’ve needed some framework to address this, but they just haven’t until now
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
So these companies have a way to actualize your genomic data, but not really an effective way to address market creation in a decentralized manner
Bilo 2000
What is the Kylin token used for? Can you describe the Tokenomics?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
This is actually a slow process getting enterprise-level (non-BC) companies involved. You typically need to get engaged with their innovation departments and/ or BC inno deps. If they have them. We are starting those convos now
But yes, it looks very promising that an insurance company would like to get in front of something that could easily erode an aspect of their business (flight insurance). In this example, Kylin would be driving the results to know when payouts would, occur in a highly efficient flight insurance application of some kind.
Bilo 2000
Thanks for your detailed answers
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Kylin token is:
1) staking and arbitration of nodes, 2) access — for example behind a paywall 3) governance
Bilo 2000
Thanks — what percentage of the total supply is already sold and what are the plans for the public trading coming up?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Approx. 17% of tokens are spoken for either through investment or advisory
Bilo 2000
Thanks — Do you know when the token will be made available for buying/trading and where?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Re: public trading, in all likelihood we will list on a tier 1 or 1.5 exchange with a concurrent liquidity event (I personally like Polkastarter a lot).
The timing for this is still Jan/Feb.
Bilo 2000
That’s fantastic! Looking forward to this
What is the most powerful narrative which drive tokenomics in the current zeitgeist of DeFi and desire for yields?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Bilo 2000
moving on ;)
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
True though, no?
Bilo 2000
Very true!!! lol
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
I think despite that, though (and less cynically), is the narrative that sees DeFi to finance as basically what email was to postal services
Bilo 2000
Is Kylin Network disruptive and if so how so? & Would you consider Kylin a competitor to Chainlink or other oracles?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
I see us as more constructive than disruptive in the sense that we are not really trying to say, ‘hey we are disrupting this or that established industry” — it’s more like we are building something entirely new.
We are laying out an entirely new path toward a globalized, decentralized data economy that people will imagine on. Kylin is a sandbox, ultimately.
Not directly, no, though we certainly include these services and it’s very likely that if we achieve everything we want to we would be a natural choice for anyone wanting them
Bilo 2000
Does what your building compete with other oracles though or does your oracle do something different that they don’t?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
We compete directly in the sense we accomplish same function. I think the way we do it is more robust and ultimately more sustainable in the long-term bc of where we are building — Polkadot. Oracle services are going to be pretty cheap very soon I think. The more important play IMO is actualizing the overall data economy
Though most people focus on the oracle + defi dynamic
Bilo 2000
Thanks — That’s perfect. Its more interesting to investors I think to see new projects competing with the older ones — This drives re-innovation as well
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Bilo 2000
Speaking of which, there are several Oracles both on DOT and other platforms. Some of these are giants like Link, Band etc. All these projects will compete against each other for the available market share. Is there a way to collaborate with the competitors rather than compete for the market share pie?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
I don’t think we need to tbh — and I see obsolescence for any project focusing only on oracle
Bilo 2000
Clear — Thanks
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
The thing is that, logically, why would you not, all things being equal, use a handful of oracles?
Bilo 2000
Could you please provide us with some challenges Kylin has faced but overcome?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Definitely the beginning. Just establishing that we were a real, legitimate project could be tough. You can take it personally at times. Then the web 3 grant. Pitching our first advisory members. Getting our first funders. The daily challenges both personal and professional that always intervene.
Bilo 2000
I’m sure this was not easy
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
We were extremely strategic, that said, about our timing and the market conditions and focus on oracle + Polkadot definitely have helped
Bilo 2000
This might be tied to the question above, but as we all understand oracles face this problem of high costs and difficulty in feeding off-chain data. Could you please expand on how Kylin is looking to break through this problem?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
and in this space, it’s a nail-biting procedure not rushing investment (to get the right investors), but knowing how volatile everything is too, and some broader macro thing could happen making that super hard
The issue is technical — it’s a sequential chain on ethereum: everyone is in line to get their lunch at the cafeteria, which tries to serve a variety of ok food at once to the broadest possible audience (and as anyone who has tried the meatloaf will know, it’s ok, but nothing amazing). The parallel-ness of Polkadot is more like a bunch of food trucks that share a power source and serve each person in a specific way to their needs: taco truck, burgers, Chinese, etc. etc.
Most prosaic and accessible way I can put it
Bilo 2000
That’s perfect — Concise and well explained as usual 😁
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
To extend that analogy further so it really makes sense:
Say the cafeteria has a pizza day, well, lines will be long
Pizza day is interest congestion
Bilo 2000
hahaha — You’re making me hungry now 😋
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Haha anyway, clearly haven’t eaten yet
But yeah, there’s a problem of throughput in providing oracle services via eth
But, yeah, in Polkadot, another food truck (serving pizza) just rolls up and parks
Bilo 2000
Who are you primarily targeting as a consumer of the products and services that Kylin will offer? Government, Business, or retail markets?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
All tbh — there’s no ultimate primary target, per se. in the beginning, we will be working through Kylin Labs primarily to drive use cases within crypto-oriented businesses, but concurrently, we will drive conversations with paths to traditional business, banking, etc. everybody needs useful, validated data, and/or can sell it
The same way that defi operationalized idle crypto assets, Kylin will operationalize idle data
Bilo 2000
Ok thanks — its good in that you have a wide horizon of possibilities
How are you with time? How much time do you have left for us?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
8 minutes
Bilo 2000
ok — will rush through😰
Out of your ecosystem fit partners you have listed on your website and in your white paper(the same 6 in both places, with the addition of Phala on the website), you have publicly announced partnerships with a few of them. Have you been in contact with all of them about future collaborative efforts?
Can you tell us why the newly announced partnership with Plasma play is important and can you let us know if there plans for more such partnerships in the future?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
…Unfortunately — this AMA has been awesome so far
Bilo 2000
No worries mate — If you can’t answer a question now; you can answer it later if you are rushed.
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
Those examples were more how we saw ourselves evolving — i.e. potential ecosystem. In any case, we are on the mark, and I do expect them all to probably become integrated as time goes on.
Bilo 2000
Thanks Dylan — Do you wish to let us know anything else that was not covered in the questions above?
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
and yes, we are close to every crypto project listed there
Plasma Pay is important bc we see us co-evolving really well together
no, I think we are pretty good!
Bilo 2000
Thank you for your time in answering our questions here today. We are all very appreciative of your time and of the answers you have provided.
Kindly choose the question you found the most interesting so that we can provide the person that asked that question with the prize.
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
It’s been a total pleasure
Bilo 2000
With this, we will open up the chat for those who wish to personally thank you for your time with us here today.
Dylan Dewdney | Kylin Network — CEO
This one was excellent!
Thanks so much to your community for having me today. Really truly appreciate you guys giving me the time to talk about Kylin and asking such great questions.
Please check us out at:
Polkadot based project news and AMAs:
Crypto Society TG Group:
submitted by SokoDirect to KylinNetwork [link] [comments]

Merit Casino Review For You Know Better About Merit

Merit Casino Review For You Know Better About Merit
The Merit casino is a Baccarat site video game from Relax Gaming software. The game has 5 to 6 reels, three rows plus five winning lines. The 메리트카지노 (Merit Casino) game is among the top exiting games offered in the online casino.
It is full of fun, unlike other online offered casino games, this game is played in 5 to 6 reels. Are you wondering where the 6 reels emerge from, you will soon get to know.
The Merit Casino game features the Merit casino bonus round which awards the Merit casino free baccarat once triggered. There is also a bonus re-spin feature just for you to increase your win.
There are some special symbols in this Baccarat site video game, they include; the scatter symbol and the wild symbol. These symbols are collectively represented by the Golden ankh symbol.
Golden ankh as a wild symbol can substitute for all other symbols in the reel except the scatter symbol. As its name suggests, this is the golden symbol to look for as you play the Merit casino online with real money. Ankh symbol well can generate the Merit casino bonus features as follows.

The Merit casino free baccarat feature

This feature is activated by landing a minimum of three or more wild symbols on the reel. Once triggered, it will create space for one more reel totaling reels to 6. Thereafter, landing any of the symbols will earn you a huge payout as shown above. For example, if you land a total of six highest paying symbols, you will earn 2000x your stake.
You can as well earn yourself a re-triggered feature by landing a total of three wild symbols on the expanded reel.

The Merit Casino Bonus Baccarat Feature

This is another amazing feature on the Merit casino Baccarat site. It’s generated by landing a total of two golden ankh symbol on the reel. Via this symbol, you can expect plenty of special bonuses which are essential in enhancing your win...

How to Redeem the Merit Casino Bonus

As you play the 메리트카지노 (Merit Casino) online, you will be awarded some free gift. This free gift is what is known as bonuses. This gift not only is redeemed for cash prizes, but you can also exchange them with an online expertise certificate.
submitted by hridoyahmed9 to YoucanWrite [link] [comments]

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Undergoing an account verification is needed at Emojino in order to initiate transactions. To this end, submitting a scan of an official document (id card, driving license or passport) is needed. In addition, a confirmation of your abode, that can be completed by turning in a bill (bank statement, phone bill or electricity bill), is needed. It is no permitted to upload a supplier bill that is older than 180 days.
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If you have any questions, you can contact the Emojino customer support in different ways. For instance, the customer service can be contacted via email ([email protected]) or service phone line. Usually, you should receive an answer to your email within a short time period. Additionally, utilizing the web form on the casino site is another contact option. Besides, a Text Chat is available 24/7 on the casino site. To review the customer service response, we asked a few questions. The team always provided quick and helping responses. The casino also has , where you should find answers to common questions.
Every online casino has to fulfil high safety requirements, otherwise they lose their licenses. Emojino upholds the highest security standards by coding the site with SSL128. The according licensing commission, in this case Malta Gaming Authority, reviews the fairness constantly.
Emojino helps to facilitate responsible gaming by offering protection options. These measures provide you with the option to:
  • Set a turnover limit
  • Cap your losses
  • Restrict your sessions
Furthermore, if you have problem with gambling, you can reach out to the NGO Gamcare that Emojino refers to.


The Emojino welcome offer can be claimed by all new players. This 100% bonus enlarges your initial deposit up to a maximum amount of €300. 100 Free Spins are also part of the package. Amounts of €20 and more are necessary. You can make use of payment methods like EcoPayz, Paysafecard or Neosurf for this purpose. A payment of €300 will unlock the highest bonus. Then you can avail of a total sum of €600 to place bets with. Adding a bonus code is not necessary.
The automatic credit of your bonus funds should be completed within a short time. If you decide not to utilize the bonus you can reject it afterwards. Your bonus funds are available for playing when your cash funds are spent. You are able to test out slots created by Playson, Play’n GO and NetEnt, as well as other famous game providers in the present portfolio, using your bonus funds. At Emojino, you are not allowed to claim more than one new customer promotion simultaneously.
You are asked to wager your bonus 40 times within 10 days before you have the possibility to initiate a cash out of any winnings. Additionally, wager all won amounts from your Free Spins 40 times. Requesting a payout before you completed the wagering criteria causes the expiration of your bonus. Do not forget to finish the conditions on time, otherwise you will lose the bonus and your winnings. Your deposit, of course, will stay.
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From what we know, at present no bonus (e.g. a no deposit bonus or a highroller bonus) other than the welcome offer can be claimed at Emojino. At Emojino, participating in a loyalty program or availing of VIP player advantages is not an option. It could be case that registered players have the option to join slot tournaments soon, at present we do not have any info regarding that topic.


Being launched in 2020, Emojino is a Blockchain Games N.V. casino brand. TrueFlip has also been launched by the company. To the best of our knowledge, it is not publicly listed. With the operator being committed to high security standards, Emojino bears the following license:
  • Malta Gaming Authority with the license number MGA/B2C/778/2020


In sum, skilled customers and newbies can avail of a varied gaming atmosphere at Emojino. Offering 12 popular gaming providers, the casino games section is average. Additionally, with various payment options being accepted at Emojino, you should be able to find a payment that suits your needs. Moreover, when joining the casino as a customer, you may be able to claim generous offers. So, join Emojino now to convince yourself!
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True Flip Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

True Flip Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

True Flip Casino Free Spins and Promotions
Welcome to True Flip Casino Online! Make a deposit now and get 100% up to 1000 EUR or 1 BTC plus 150 Free Spins on top! Enjoy exclusive slots and table games, jackpots and live dealer! They also offer super fast withdrawals, including crypto-currencies!
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True Flip Casino is an online Blockchain lottery casino house that features more than a thousand exciting casino games and in-house entertainment powered by the top-ranking providers of the casino industry. Established in 2016, True Flip casino is a Bitcoin casino governed by Blockchain Games N.V., and it has its own ERC-20 token called Ticker TFL. The Bitcoin casino works with top-tier partners like ShapeShift, IQ Option, and many more to achieve its mission of being the first company to host a decentralized and open-source casino house.
True Flip casino is dedicated to transparency which is evident from the upfront display of gaming results, the public availability of the source code, and other such features. If you are enthusiastic about rolling out the stakes at True Flip, then go through the detailed True Flip casino review right now and register with your email today. The True Flip casino review reveals its pros and cons and establishes its trustworthiness too.

Quick facts about True Flip casino

  • Highly successful user experience since 2016
  • The interface is user-friendly
  • The registration process with email or phone number and few other documents is hassle-free
  • More than 1000 games
  • Instant withdrawal and deposit in multiple currencies (fiat currency and cryptocurrency) with no additional charges
  • Availability of support service 24×7
  • Transparent maintenance of detailed statistics on games sessions and transaction history
  • High advanced security system with no storage of sensitive client data
  • The welcome bonus is 1BTC and 50 free spins
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True Flip Casino games

True Flip casino offers over a thousand games of four types that include slots, jackpots, live casino, and table games.
Slot games
True Flip boasts of 850 slot games, the most popular of which are:
  • The one-armed bandit
  • Mega burning wins: 27 ways
  • Dead or alive 2
  • Fire and lightning
  • Ozwin’s Jackpot
In-house games
True Flip casino not only offers the games of top-notch providers but also features a host of in-house casino games. The in-house games indicate the transparency and independence of the Bitcoin casino. The blockchain-driven in-house games include the following:
  • Robby the illusionist
  • Pirate Bay
  • Chain’s code
  • Mining Factory
  • Tony’s reel
Table games
These games at True Flip casino are not as exciting as the slot games. However, the top picks include:
  • Live roulette
  • Card 3 poker
  • Roulette 3D
  • Sic Bo
  • French roulette
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The salient features of True Flip casino

The software providers are highly reputed
True Flip Casino is in association with several top-ranking software providers that include. Some of the most famous and popular software providers who are linked with True Flip are NetEnt, iSoftBet, Yggdrasil, BetSoft, TrueLab, Spinomenal, and more.
The security system is of the highest standard
True Flip Casino meets the industry standards of security and ensures strict confidentiality of user information like registration details and payment history. On True Flip, the user can activate the 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) mechanism for more robust security and prevention of unauthorized access to user information.
Methods and limits of withdrawal
For making a withdrawal, the user has to visit the Refill section on the dashboard and then select the currency for the withdrawal. He has to click on the withdrawal button next to the complete-the-withdrawal option. The user can make a withdrawal on True Flip without any inconvenience and does not need to pay extra charges either.
However, in case of withdrawal in TFL, a charge of 1TFL is imposed upon every withdrawal. The options of withdrawal are in BTC, EUR, and TFL. The minimum limit for withdrawal is 10 euros or an equivalent amount in other currencies. Withdrawal in cryptocurrency takes place in a day whereas fiat currency withdrawals take a longer time.
The gambling license is authentic
Blockchain Games N.V., the company that is licensed in Curacao, owns the operator rights of True Flip casino. SGL Stipulus Gate Ltd., the company that is registered in Cyprus, governs the payments made at the casino.
True Flip Casino also understands the aftermath of gambling addiction, and so, the team at the casino conducts the BeGambleAware campaign to assist the registered players of True Flip casino.
The payments options are highly varied and convenient
True Flip casino supports multiple fiat and cryptocurrencies. The casino has entered into partnerships with various brokers for the facilitation of payments. These brokers include ShapeShift, Paybis, Cryptopay, Cubits, and IQ Options. The platform also allows the conversion of currencies and recharge of the user account. True Flip casino supports the following currencies:
  • EUR
  • USD
  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Dash
  • Litecoin
  • Dogecoin
  • Ethereum
True Flip also allows a wide range of payment methods and employs SSL encryption technology for the protection of user data.
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True Flip account and verification system

At True Flip Casino, the player has to register with the online casino by opening a user account. The registration requires the submission of a few identification documents. The official website of the casino provides complete details regarding the registration. However, the most important part about the registration is that the online casino follows KYC procedures. The maintenance of KYC helps in safeguarding the players.
True Flip is not accessible by players under the age of eighteen. Apart from extracting information from the players during registration, TrueFlip also permits the players to set voluntary limits and options for self-exclusion that can be triggered during the gaming sessions.

Support service for the customer

The staff at the customer support help desk is available 24×7 for the new as well as existent players on TrueFlip casino. There is a dedicated option for live chat for instant customer support during the gaming sessions. The support service operates in English and six other languages that include German, Swedish, Russian, Korean, and more. A player can chat with the help desk in his preferred language and get access to the support service through email as well.

Speed of payouts

One of the highlights of TrueFlip is that the service providers at the casino offer quick payouts. The high speed of payouts is ensured by the advanced blockchain technology that executes the rapid processing of payments. Blockchain technology is decentralized, which means that the technology does away with the central banks and authorities for the processing of payments and transactions. Instead, blockchain processes the payouts with peer-to-peer technology, that is fast, efficient, and cost-effective too. As such, the payout speed at the casino is very high.
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Pros and cons of True Flip Casino

The casino review reveals the following pros and cons.
The catalog of casino games is impressive
  • Supports a wide variety of cryptocurrencies
  • Availability of live dealer games
  • Live chat, email, and phone support system is available 24×7
  • The welcome bonus is attractive with lots of free spins
  • The minimum deposit is nominal
  • The list of restricted countries is too long
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A few important FAQs

Is True Flip casino legit?
The casino is authentic and legitimate, as it is licensed to the Curacao authority.
Is there a mobile phone version of True Flip casino?
Yes, there is an app version of TrueFlip casino, and so players can play casino games on the platform from their mobile phones. Trueflip is compatible with iOS, Android, Mac OS, and Windows.
What are the recommended cryptocurrency wallets for use at the casino?
Experts recommend the following cryptocurrency wallets for the gamers and gamblers at True Flip casino:
  • Ledger Nano X
  • KeepKey
  • Trezor
What is the welcome bonus package of the casino?
The welcome bonus pack of True Flip casino is 1000 Euros or 1 BTC and 50 free spins. Register today with your email to claim the free spins and the deposit bonus after making the first deposit. What’s more, the welcome bonus can be used on any deposit. Make sure that the bonus offer is activated within ten days of making the deposit of funds.


This True Flip casino review reveals that it is worthwhile, reliable, transparent, and lucrative too. The welcome bonus is pretty attractive and the games are exciting beyond wonder. The best part is that the casino is loved by beginners as well as advanced gamblers because of the varied levels of the games.
There is still a scope of improvement for the casino to achieve its full potential, but with the makers striving hard to keep the software up-to-date, there is no doubt that True Flip is bound to be a huge success. The advanced blockchain technology makes the platform provably fair and transparent for every user. So, sign up today with your email address, deposit 20 euros, and make the best of the casino bonus offers to rake in big wins. Watch out for the upcoming loyalty program too and follow the bonus blogs to claim more free spins.
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Spin Away Casino 100 No Deposit Free Spins (Bonus Code)

Spin Away Casino 100 No Deposit Free Spins (Bonus Code)

Spin Away Casino Review & Promotions
Welcome to Spin Away Casino! Get 100 free spins bonus after registration! Click on the link, open your account, and get a free bonus code. Additionally, claim up to 1000 euro in welcome bonus! Good luck!
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Spin Away has been around since 2020 and is entirely focused on casino. At the moment, 16 software studios with a games count of more than 770 reputable games can be tested out at Spin Away. There might be a different amount of games available to you, depending on the country that you live in. To guarantee a high standard of security, the Spin Away online casino is regulated by the Curaçao eGaming. Beside English, you have 2 other languages, namely Norwegian or German. Our Spin Away review provides additional info about the casino, so continue reading to find out more.


The Spin Away games lobby provides a plethora of games to satisfy customers of all experience levels. Microgaming, Play’n GO and NetEnt are amongst the most popular software providers available at Spin Away, but naturally, you can also choose some of the best slots from other well-established brands. The game selection comprises all game types one can think of, including video slot machines as well as classic slots. Some of the most liked slot games at Spin Away are Star Clusters Megaclusters (Big Time Gaming), Pragmatic Play’s Fruit Rainbow and Sword of Khans created by Thunderkick. The portfolio of games also contains progressive jackpot games, for instance, Stellar Jackpots with Chilli Gold x2 from Lightning Box & Grand Spinn developed by NetEnt.
As an addition to slot games, players can also try out live casino games like live baccarat, live roulette & live blackjack from Evolution Gaming. In addition, you will find live dealer variants of Sic Bo & European Roulette. On top of that, classic table games like Craps, French Roulette, Blackjack, Baccarat as well as American Roulette can also be tried out at Spin Away. However, that’s not all – You also have the possibility to play scratch cards, wheel games or keno. Since the accessibility of games varies for each location, we suggest you check out the games section yourself.
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At Spin Away, users have the option to make use of 11 payments to initiate a deposit. This casino provides crypto currencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin. The casino offers well-known credit cards like MasterCard or Visa and e-wallets, for instance EcoPayz. On top of that, the casino accepts prepaid options like CashtoCode and AstroPay as well as bank transfer payments, for one thing Sofort and Bank Wire Transfer. The selection of deposit and withdrawal methods might vary for your country. Keep in mind: The deposit limitations per payment method might be varying. Find out more about the Spin Away deposit limits in the payment section or get in touch with the customer support team.
When paying out, you have the possibility to utilize 11 payout options. Players can make use of payment methods like Sofort, MasterCard, Litecoin or Visa. Every day you are able to initiate a withdrawal beginning at €20 and up to €4.000. Regarding free payouts at Spin Away, there are no restrictions, so an unlimited amount of free withdrawals is possible. Therefore, customers do not need to bear the costs of any withdrawal fees. After requesting a payout, it is checked manually by Spin Away. Typically, it takes 1 to 5 days to carry out the payout at Spin Away. Take into account that your payouts will not be transacted during the weekend. Spin Away has additional payout arrangements for VIP customers, which can be mentioned as another advantage.


When signing up at Spin Away, you only have to follow a few steps. First of all, enter your personal data into the sign-up form. As soon as you added all personal details to the Spin Away registration form, a validation of your account is necessary. For this purpose, casinos typically send a validation link via mail that customers need to follow. As soon as you have validated your account, you are able to start to play.
Undergoing an account verification is needed at Spin Away in order to make transactions. To this end, you have to upload a scan of an official document (Passport, Driving License or ID Card) as part of a KYC procedure. Besides, you are required to confirm your abode by uploading a receipt (phone bill, electricity bill or bank statement) or a banking document (e-wallet photo or credit card photo). The provider bill cannot be older than 90 days when you turn it in. The casino requires you to submit the corresponding documents via an upload through your account. After handing in the documents it does not require longer than one day for the casino to confirm your verification.
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Spin Away provides a few contact opportunities to reach out to the customer service. For one thing, contacting the customer service is possible via email ([email protected]). Typically, you should get an answer to your request within a short time period. In addition, there is a web form on the casino website, that you can use to get in touch with the support team. What’s more, the Spin Away live chat is available 24 hours every day directly on the casino website. During our tests we only had positive experiences with the customer service staff. Additionally, players also have the possibility to go through the FAQ section that covers a number of important questions prior to reaching out to the customer service.
Casinos can only retain their licenses, if they are safe and fair. Spin Away keeps up with the highest security demands by encrypting their website with SSL128. The Curaçao eGaming, which issued a license to Spin Away, tests the security of the casino site constantly.


The Spin Away sign-up offer can be unlocked by every new player. You have the possibility to profit from up to €100 bonus money if you unlock this 100% bonus. Another part of this offer are 100 Free Spins, available for the game Book of Dead. Deposits beginat €20 and can be carried out using EcoPayz, Bitcoin and Litecoin or further payment options. Activating the maximal bonus is an option if you deposit €100. Then your credits to place bets with is €200. You do not have to add a bonus code.
You receive the bonus funds automatically within a short time after your payment. The casino has a rejection option that you can make use of if you decide not to make use of the bonus. Using your bonus funds is permitted as soon as you have spent your cash funds. You have the chance to try out slots created by Thunderkick, Big Time Gaming or Play’n GO, as well as other well-known game studios in the current portfolio, using your bonus money. At Spin Away, the usage of multiple new customer promotions concurrently is not permitted.
A payout of your won amounts requires you to wager your bonus 40 times within 30 days. On top of that, completing the wagering requirements of 40 times, that count for the winnings which you scored with the Free Spins, need to be finished. Your bonus will forfeit when requesting a cash out prior to the completion of the requirements. If you exceed the given time frame for the wagering conditions, you will forfeit your bonus and your winnings. Your deposit, of course, is not compromised by this.
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In sum, newcomers and seasoned customers can avail of an entertaining gaming atmosphere at Spin Away. At the games section you can select titles from 16 well-known game providers, which means the game variation can be described as varied. Besides, with all common withdrawal and deposit options being accepted at Spin Away, you should be able to find a payment that fits your preferences. Furthermore, customers can profit from generous promotions. So, sign up at Spin Away now and convince yourself!
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Boomerang Casino 200 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

Boomerang Casino 200 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

Boomerang Casino Review & Free Bonuses
Claim 200 free spins and 100% up to €500 bonus on first deposit at Boomerang Casino! Enjoy over 3000 games, fast withdrawals, crypto-payments and round-the-clock support! Licensed and regulated in Curacao!
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At Boomerang Casino, launched in 2020, a large package of casino is at your disposal. Presently, users have the option to test out a huge selection of 42 game studios, who have a total number of 3.029+ games. Depending on the country that you reside in the accurate amount of games may be different. To ensure a high standard of security, Boomerang Casino is licensed by the Curaçao eGaming. Beside English, you switch the website to 7 additional language options (German or Finnish). After registering as a new user, you can unlock the sign-up offer. Learn more about the casino in the following Boomerang Casino review.


Because of the broad games selection at Boomerang Casino every player should be able to find something appropriate for his preferences. The portfolio of provided slot options contains classic slots, video slot games, 3D slot machines as well as themed titles or progressive jackpot games. The collection of software studios comprises popular names like Play’n GO, Elk Studios and Habanero, but naturally you are able to find the best slots designed by other software studios likewise. Additionally, you have the option to also try out live dealer games, i.e. from Evolution Gaming or NetEnt.
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Boomerang Casino provides you with a variety of different payment options. You have the option to utilize crypto payments like Litecoin or Bitcoin. Common e-wallets like Skrill and Neteller as well as credit cards like Visa or MasterCard are both at your disposal in the casino’s cashier section. On top of that, the casino allows prepaid methods like Postepay and Paysafecard just as bank wire transfer methods, for example Bank Wire Transfer or Trustly. However, it should be noted that the exact range of deposit and withdrawal methods can differ from location to location. Note: Not all deposit methods may hold identical deposit restrictions. The payment section should contain further information regarding the Boomerang Casino deposit limits.
Of course, there are also different payout methods which you can select to initiate a payout of your winnings. Even though prepaid options are not available for payouts, you can choose from withdrawal options like Visa, Bank Wire Transfer, Trustly as well as Litecoin. Every month you can carry out a payout up to a value of €10.000. At Boomerang Casino users are able to request an unlimited amount of free withdrawals. As a result, Boomerang Casino will not bill any payout fees. Each payout that you request is checked manually by Boomerang Casino. Within 1 to 3 days Boomerang Casino finishes your withdrawal. You should receive a notification for the payout within 72 hours. Bear in mind that your pay-outs will not be transacted during the weekend.


When registering at Boomerang Casino you only need to follow a few steps. At first, fill in the registration form that pops up after clicking the registration button. It is necessary to approve your account when you filled in the Boomerang Casino registration form. To this purpose, casinos usually provide a validation link via email, that players have to click on. Finalizing the validation enables you to start to play.
In order to carry out payments the finalization of the Boomerang Casino account verification is required. To this purpose, your account verification requires you to upload a scan of an official document (driving license, id card or passport). Boomerang Casino asks you to provide the aforementioned documents via email .
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Boomerang Casino offers quite a few contact opportunities to get in touch with the customer service. For one thing, reaching out to the customer care can be done via service phone number or email ([email protected]). Typically, you get a reply to your email within 45 hours. Alternatively, you have the option to make use of the web form to get in touch with the support. What’s more, the Boomerang Casino Text Chat can be used 24 hours per day directly on the casino site. During our examination process the customer support team always gave fast and useful answers. In addition, a number of common questions will be answered in the an FAQ section that the casino offers.
Security and reliability have to be guaranteed in every licensed Online Casino, if they want to retain their licenses. The Boomerang Casino website is coded with SSL128 to guarantee the highest level of security. The reliability is checked constantly by the Curaçao eGaming, who is the according commission in this case.
To implement responsible gaming, Boomerang Casino provides some player protection measures. The measures enable you to:
  • Exclude yourself from the casino
  • Pause your account
Moreover, in case of problematic gambling behaviour you can turn to the NGO Gamcare, that Boomerang Casino is referring to.


The Boomerang Casino deposit offer can be unlocked by all new customers. Using the 100% bonus, you can enlarge your balance up to €500. Supplementary to your bonus funds you are also able to get 200 Free Spins . €20 is the minimum required amount, that you can deposit making use of payment methods like Paysafecard, Visa or MasterCard. Depositing with Skrill and Neteller is not an option if you want to receive this offer. When initiating a deposit of €500, you get the highest bonus and then can utilize a total amount of €1.000 for playing. You do not have to add a bonus code.
After finishing your deposit your bonus is automatically credited to your account within a short time. If you decide not to make use of the bonus you are able to reject it later. Your cash funds will be utilized initially, followed by your bonus funds. Yggdrasil, iSoftBet and Elk Studios are some of the the popular game studios from the present portfolio, that you can try out with your bonus money. Claiming multiple deposit offers concurrently is not possible at Boomerang Casino
Before you have the possibility to withdraw your scored amounts, wager the bonus and the deposit 30 times. Moreover, turn over all winnings which you scored with the Free Spins 40 times. Carrying out a payout before you fulfilled the wagering criteria causes the termination of your bonus. Boomerang Casino does not set a time limitation for the turnover conditions, which means you can take time to complete them.
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On top of the deposit bonus further offers, i.e. a cashback bonus and daily offers, are forthcoming for existing players at Boomerang Casino. The conditions for these offers, however, may vary from the ones linked to the welcome bonus, which means you should go through them before you grab any bonuses. At Boomerang Casino becoming member of a loyalty program is not possible. However, VIP players are offered faster withdrawals, personal service agent or individual promos & bonuses. As an existing user participating in slot tournaments is possible every week. The best participants of those tournaments can benefit from cash and points.


In conclusion, newbies and skilled customers alike can experience a varied brand when signing up at Boomerang Casino. With a count of 42 popular game providers, the casino has a diverse selection of games. In addition, every user should find a payment option that suits his requiremends as all common payment options are provided. On top of that, after the registration as a new player claiming generousbonuses will be an option. Find out yourself by signing up at Boomerang Casino.
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Winners Magic Casino 100 gratis spins and 100% free bonus code

Winners Magic Casino 100 gratis spins and 100% free bonus code

Winners Magic Casino Free Bonus Codes
Join Winners Magic Casino and get 100 No Deposit Free Spins right away! Click on the special bonus link to qualify for this promotion. Additionally, you will receive 100 gratis spins and 100% up to 200 euro/dollars on your first deposit. No download needed! Mobile Play OK!
>> Collect Your Free Bonus Money Now <<


If you are on the quest for some magical wins you might definitely want to give the online casino Winners Magic a try. This casino was established in 2019 and already calls more than 900 games and slot machines its own. Quite a success in such a short time. Owned as a brand by Reward Group ApS, the website has its software powered by Aspire Global International LTD which yet again is a reputable provider of casino fun. This company has its headquarter in Malta and is licenced and observed by the legendary Malta Gaming Authority and their strict regulations. In Great Britain, the casino is licensed by the United Kingdom Gambling Commission. The online casino is available in the languages German, English, Norwegian and Finnish, and players will enjoy the neat design both on the desktop version as well as mobile devices. With games ranging from slots to table games, classics, and more you will find what each and every heart beating with the frequency of casino delight desires.

Winners Magic Casino Slots

Players wanting to enjoy a couple of rounds on High Definition slots have quite an array of games waiting for them here. With Roman Legion, Books and Temples, The Book Beyond, Shogun’s Secret, Book of Queen, Thunderstruck II, Vampire Senpai, Explodiac, La Dolce Vita, Gold Digger, Mystic Force, Cash Noire, Troll Hunters 2, Rally 4 Riches, Neros Fortune and many others the reels are rolling fast and steady. And Winners Magic is also having the Megaways titles upon their sleeve such as Primal Megaways and that is the real deal when it comes to reeling.
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Winners Magic Casino Games

Putting a focus on the very source of joy – the games – we have an amazing selection of them supported by a broad variation. Starting with all-time-classics like Book of Dead, Gonzo’s Quest, Starburst, Bonanza, Wolf Riches, Book of Oz, and Reactoonz you already gathered the proper ingredients to make a foray into games no one wants to miss out on. And that means you have some high-end software providers going by the big names of NetEnt, Play’n GO, Big Time Gaming, 2 By 2 Gaming, SG Gaming, High5Games, NextGen Gaming, Microgaming, Pragmatic Play, Evolution Gaming, Thunderkick, iSoftBet and more making the library sizzling for you. And furthermore, you will find yourself immersed in world-building spectrums from ancient and medieval worlds up to super-modern and futuristic realms. That keeps the casino alive and prevents monotony from even slightly occurring.
Someone with a love for table games is not left to starve at Winners Magic. With different renditions of Roulette, Poker, Blackjack and Baccarat such as Instant Roulette, Black Jack Solo, Atlantic City Blackjack, Blackjack Multihand, Turbo Roulette, Casino Patience, Deuces Wild, Jacks or Better, 3 Card Solitaire among others, the players are immediately able to enjoy the tables at this very online casino.

Winners Magic Live Casino

Naturally, there are also those who want to experience a dose of actual Las Vegas when they play at online casino. Live Casino is the guarantor for something unique. And Winners Magic is offering exactly that with titles and Live Dealers such as Free Bet Blackjack, Infinite Blackjack, Double Ball Roulette, Baccarat Squeeze, Speed Baccarat, Ultimate Texas Hold’em, Side Bet City, First Person Mega Ball, First Person Dragon Tiger, Monopoly, Lightning Roulette, Crazy Time, Deal or No Deal and many, many others. The real life croupiers are already awaiting you to join them.
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Winners Magic Deposit/Withdrawal Methods

Winners Magic is providing the players with a vast array of financial transaction methods. Both traditional and e-wallets. Therefore you can deposit money in online casino by using debit cards such as MasterCard, VISA, and EntroPay but also Online Bank Transfer, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, PaySafeCard, ecoPayz, Euteller, zimpler, MuchBetter, Payr, Instadebit, PayPal, Wire Transfer, EasyEFT, Interac and others.
The withdrawal is done by using the very same method that was already used for depositing the money. The period it takes to have the money on your own account is varying and can be instant (like with MuchBetter) or up to three days with many other transfers capitalizing on Trustly, Neteller, ecoPayz, and so on. What is awesome is that you can choose from quite an amount of currencies like Euros, Pounds, Dollars, Krona, Pesos according to the method you decide for.

Winners Magic Casino Bonuses & Promotions

Winners Magic comes along with a welcome bonus for new players to stimulate the start into the gambling. In general terms, we are speaking of a 100% match up bonus up to £/€/$200 and an additional 20 spins on the classic slot Starburst for the first deposit. To qualify for this you have to make a minimum deposit of £/€/$10 and the welcome bonus is arriving.
Furthermore, the next two deposits will also be sweetened by Winners Magic. Because you will gain another 40 free spins after the second deposit with a minimum value of £/€/$20 and the same (£/€/$20 minimum deposit and 40 free spins) for the third day after joining. So, for instance, you can start off with depositing £/€/$100 and achieve another £/€/$100 to play with £/€/$200. The wagering requirement is x35 which is among the standard wagers in online casinos. The payout of wins is incoming fast with this welcome deal.
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Winners Magic Loyalty Program

From the first spin you take at Winners Magic you will instantly start climbing up the loyalty ladder to gain specific bonuses and rewards as you do. The levels you can reach are called New Member, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Premium, and Prestige as the top of the statuses. How does this work? For every £/€/$40 you bet in Real Money Mode you will be awarded with 1 Reward Point. With those Reward Points you will make progression within the loyalty system. And each and every level there is having a unique Redemption Rate which means that for example, Silver will take 28 Reward Points to redeem £/€/$1 while Prestige is demanding 15 Reward Points for the same.
But what are the benefits? Benefits you can achieve are express cash out, birthday bonuses, Sunday free spins, personal account manager, monthly cashback, live tournaments as well as higher deposit & cash out limits. All that depends on the level of course. Also, it has to be mentioned that the two highest levels of Premium and Prestige can only be reached by a personal invitation.

Winners Magic Mobile Experience

As every mobile-friendly online casino should do, Winners Magic is having a website that is easily accessible via mobile devices just as well. Without the need of a software or app download. The pre-installed browser is more than enough. Owners of Android or iOs devices will find no issues in that regard. The site is simply navigated by using the categories of games for instance or also the search function which lets you research for games using either the titles or the providers of games. The design is done using the dominant color black before a white background and a theme of magic. This makes sure to not overwhelm the eyes by dozens of color impressions. The menu on the left-hand side is offering all the directions you may want to take in the order of exploring the online casino.
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Winners Magic Support and Security

The online casino is dedicated to its slogan CARE (Customers Are Really Everything). That means that their professional customer support team is available the full seven days of the week. In the case of Winners Magic from 8 am to 1 am CET. You can reach out to them via phone, e-mail, Live Chat, and even fax. The Contact Us button will tell you how to do that. The Live Chat on the other hand will pretty much always be visible for you when you browse the site as a button on the right-hand side of every page is providing you with the opportunity to initiate a conversation.
If your question is of a more general nature you can furthermore consult the extensive FAQ section which covers all necessary information about bonuses, depositions, withdrawals, privacy, and so on. To support Responsible Gaming the casino is offering personal limits, cool off phases, reality checks, and total self-exclusion to battle tendencies of gambling addiction. Also, it includes further links to platforms dealing with the problem. And the security and privacy are tackled by utilizing the most recent 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology in order of giving the obligatory safety to data transactions during registration, money transfer, and the like. This is additionally supported by the firewalls which the website is using. Making sure that no data leaks are established.

Overall Experience

What we learned from our review of Winners Magic is that you can definitely find a secure environment for casino fun here. More than 900+ games are just the first glimpse you can even get when visiting the website. Covering all the beloved categories such as slots, table games, and Live Casino in an expert manner. The self-explanatory design and the availability on mobile devices is the guarantor for a one-of-a-kind-experience. And what surely makes the casino stand out is an absolutely candid welcome bonus and the subsequent automatic access to the loyalty program which offers amazing rewards, bonuses, and long-term motivating incentives. The payout of wins is never out of reach here. So just give it a try and visit Winners Magic on your own, get the welcome bonus, spin the reels, and have some mesmerizing, magical casino experiences!
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Recurring Offers - Highest Payouts Guide (a continually updated Community Project)

(If this list already exists somewhere, kindly point it out to me so I can use it & I'll delete this thread)
[Last Update: August 27, 2020]
So, it occured to me that there are plenty of offers that keep showing up. Yes, we can only do them once, but their reward values fluctuate. So I thought it would be helpful to post a list of those offers & what their highest payout has been. This way, members can look at a current offer, compare it to its highest payout, and decide whether to take that offer now or wait to see if it goes back up again.
For instance, Instacart is currently at 5k SB, but in the past it was as high as 10k SB. I think I may wait to see if it goes up again before taking the offer. But you may decide "Eh, it's still $50 cash, I'd rather do it now than to wait around just to see IF it goes up again."
Of course I can't do this alone. I have no idea what some of the offers were in the past if I didn't do them, so, COMMUNITY PROJECT!!!! :-D
The format for this will be [name of offer] [highest SB amount] [most recent date credited at that amount], and I will keep it updated as time goes on. All I ask is that you either post here or PM me when a new high (or equivalent) happens so I can update the SB and/or the most recent date. And I'm gonna put a limit of 500sb reward minimum, so the list isn't flooded with chump change. ;-)
AdGate - Eaze - 1120 - June 19, 2020
AdGate - Tavour - 3840 - March 15, 2020
AdGem - Neverland Casino (level 500 in 14 days) - 4000 - July 20, 2020
Aspiration - 3500 - August 14, 2020
ASPCA - 3000 - July 15, 2020
Blink Health - 2500 (plus $15 coupon) - August 27, 2020
Cash App Bonus Survey - 750 - August 22, 2020
Club Vegas Slots (level 70) - 2000 - August 13, 2020
Coin Master (level 7) - 2000 - July 13, 2020
DoorDash (as a customer) - 2000 - August 3, 2020
DoorDash (as a driver) - 15000 - [date needed]
Gentleman's Box - 2000 - August 21, 2020
Instacart - 10000 - January 17, 2020
Lifelock - 8000 - July 21, 2020
Long Game - 5000 - July 22, 2020
Nav - 400 - July 19, 2020
Nielsen Computer Panel - 504 - July 6, 2020
Ollie Pets - 3500 - July 21, 2020
PopSlots (level 35) - 2500 - August 14, 2020
Raid Shadow Legends (upgrade 2 heroes to 5 stars) - 3000 - June 5, 2020
RevU - Axos Bank - 6750 - August 13, 2020
RevU - BeenVerified - 788 - July 28, 2020
RevU - ElleVet CBD Pet Products - 2616 - July 27, 2020
RevU - Green Chef - 4950 - August 10, 2020
RevU - Hello Fresh - 5200 - July 8, 2020
RevU - ReliaShield - 1125 - August 7, 2020
RevU - Save the Children - 2800 - July 15, 2020
RevU - TransUnion - 4600 - June 18, 2020
RevU - TunnelBear - 5262 - January 18, 2020
Rise of Kingdoms (level 18) - 5000 - August 18, 2020
Savvy Insurance - 1000 - August 15, 2020
Stars Slots - 5000 - August 27, 2020
Surf Easy VPN - 3600 - July 31, 2020
Trumans Cleaning - 1500 - July 15, 2020
Varo - 3000 - July 6, 2020
Vuse Vapor - 10000 - August 1, 2020
submitted by DaveInOCNJ to SwagBucks [link] [comments]

MegaSlot Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

MegaSlot Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Megaslot Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Register your account with MegaSlot Casino and collect 30 free spins without deposit! On top of that, get a 100% welcome bonus and 100 free spins! Enjoy super-fast payments and 24/7 support service!
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MegaSlot Casino is home to a nice collection of games since 2020 and it operates under the umbrella of the well-established company N1 Interactive Ltd. The company is associated with a huge number of other online casinos that are ranked among the best ones on the market. MegaSlot Casino is a law-abiding gambling site that received a stamp of approval from the Maltese gambling regulator.
This online casino is a place where people from different nationalities can find some of the highest-quality games provided by top software suppliers such as Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, and others. The casino operator partners with over a dozen casino content developers to steal the show and offer diversity in terms of titles and game genres.
MegaSlot has done an excellent job when it comes to the available payment methods. Players have the choice to select from the most popular banking solutions. Speaking of online payments, we cannot miss the chance to mention that the casino utilizes advanced technologies to protect its players’ data.
The casino operator also caters to its mobile players who are provided with the opportunity to either play all available casino games in an instant-play format or download a dedicated app that works like a charm on various modern portable devices. As a newcomer, you will be treated to a tasty Welcome Bonus that will boost your winning potential.
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Bonuses and Promotions

The promotions are what piques players’ attention when choosing an interactive casino where they can spend some quality time. Undoubtedly, all newcomers are interested in whether a certain casino offers a Welcome Bonus and what are its benefits. When it comes to MegaSlot, the virtual casino welcomes its new recruits with a 100% match bonus up to $100.
We must admit that this does not seem quite attractive having in mind that there are casinos that offer five-figure amounts. For that purpose, the operator also throws in some free spins, letting casino enthusiasts test the water and win some extra cash thanks to their own efforts. It is important to mention that the free spins are awarded in five installments of 20 spins over 5 days.
Assuming that this sounds to you like a nice deal and you would like to claim it, you should be informed that you need to use the promo code MEGA100 prior to making a minimum qualifying deposit of $20. What is more, the sign-up promotion comes with a wagering requirement of 40x. This means that you need to wager 40x the amount of the bonus. As for the profits accrued from the free spins, the playthrough is also 40x.
The duration of the sign-up promotion is 2 weeks. In addition to that, players should keep in mind that they should activate a new pack of free spins every day otherwise they will miss the pack. According to the casino’s bonus terms and conditions, the maximum amount a player can win from the bonus funds is capped at $10,000. As for the winnings generated from the free spins, the maximum withdrawal limit is $50.
The casino features a maximum bet limit of $1 while playing with an active sign-up bonus. In that way, the operator blocks bonus abusers. In case you go over this limit, your bet will not be accepted and you might even lose your profits. It is important to explain that this limit is valid for all first deposit bonuses.
Another important aspect to take into account is the game weighting. This means that not all games fully contribute towards satisfying the rollover. Bets on video slots count 100% towards the wagering requirements except for some titles which you can find on the website of the casino. Stakes on table games as well as video poker and classic slots have an inconspicuously low contribution rate of just 5%, while live dealer games are not included in the game weighting at all.
Once you clear the playthrough tied to the bonus funds and the winnings generated from the free spins, you will be able to withdraw your earnings. We would like to mention that players from Sweden are not allowed to take advantage of any of the promotions offered at MegaSlot Casino.
All other casino enthusiasts who are playing with an active bonus should know that they can request a withdrawal of their deposit prior to meeting the playthrough. In this case, the casino will forfeit the amount of the bonus and the winnings and pay out the remaining funds.
MegaSlot Casino caters also to its loyal fans providing them with the opportunity to get involved in a VIP Program that comes with worthwhile perks and exclusive offers. The casino’s VIP Program is comprised of 40 statuses and players need to collect comp points to climb up the ladder. The higher status you reach, the nicer bonuses you will be provided with.
We would advise our readers to carefully read the terms and conditions associated with each status as the exchange rate of the points varies between the levels. It is interesting to mention that casino aficionados who navigate their way through a higher level are awarded free spins that come with a 35x wagering requirement.
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Software Providers

Casino software providers are at the heart of the casinos’ collection of games as these are responsible for developing the games. This means that the software companies are the ones that decide what themes, graphics, bonuses, and rules a certain game will have.
For that purpose, it is essential to choose a virtual casino whose gaming library involves titles created by reputable brands. Even though there are hundreds of companies claiming to be the best, there are certain casino content developers that worked hard to honestly deserve this title.
As a reputable virtual casino that is dedicated to providing nothing less but the highest quality and great diversity, the operator joined hands with Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, etc. These companies are recognized to be among the best on the market and their products quickly turn into fans’ favorites.
As companies that aim at constantly pushing the industry’s boundaries forward, the games they release are developed in a mobile-friendly way. In that way, casino buffs can revel in a rewarding gambling experience even on the go. The casino features an in-browser app as well as a dedicated casino application. No matter which option you will go for, you will certainly be amazed by the sleek design of the website and its brilliant performance even on smartphones and tablets.
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Our MegaSlot Casino analysis has shown that players are presented with a plethora of payment solutions that support both deposits and withdrawals. Before we continue discussing the available payment options, we would like to note that not all payment services are available to residents from specific countries. In the lines below you will find more details regarding this matter.
What players from international markets should know is that the international operating currency of the website is EUR, but this casino accepts payments also in the following currencies: USD, NOK, CAD, PLN, NZD, ZAR, and JPY.
When you are about to top up your gaming account, you should be informed that you have several options to do so, including Visa, Mastercard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Zimpler, Klarna, Qiwi, Yandex, iDebit, Interac Online, Interac e-Transfer, Neosurf, ecoPayz, and Rapido. The minimum amount that you need to upload to your gaming account in order to start playing for real money is set at $10.
As for withdrawals, players can choose from the following options – Visa, Mastercard, Trustly, Skrill, Neteller, Quwu, Yandex, Bank Transfer, iDebit, Interac e-Transfer, Instadebit, ecoPayz, and Rapido. What is important to explain is the Visa and Mastercard are not available to players from elsewhere due to certain legal restrictions. For further information, be advised to visit the website of the casino.
When you decide it is time to finally pull out your winnings, you should know that you cannot withdraw less than $20, while the maximum limit on withdrawals depends on the preferred payment solution. However, players can withdraw no more than $5,000 per day, $10,000 per week, and $30,000 per month.
Depending on the payment solution you choose, payouts are cleared between 1 and 3 days. The available digital wallets process withdrawals in the fastest manner, but you will certainly not wait for too long in case you decide to use any of the other available methods. Casino enthusiasts who decide to pull out their profits via bank transfer should be informed that the minimum withdrawable limit is set at $500.
Players will be more than happy to learn that the casino does not impose charges on deposits and withdrawals. However, the payment service provider might tax you a small fee for the transactions which is your responsibility.
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Mobile Casino

Nowadays, it is extremely important for virtual casinos to offer flexibility, among all other things. Hence, MegaSlot Casino is designed in a mobile-friendly way. The design of the casino can be described as uncluttered and well-organized, so that casino enthusiasts can easily find what they are looking for even on the move.
Generally speaking, there are two ways to play at MegaSlot Casino via your handheld device, and more precisely to load the website of the casino through the browser your smartphone or tablet utilizes, or to download the dedicated app. The virtual casino brags about its apps that are specially designed for Android and iOS users. The apps work like a charm and the installation process is a child’s play.
However, the instant version of the casino is also a good alternative provided that you prefer to save some storage space on your mobile device. The main menu button is located in the upper left corner. Once you tap on it, a drop-down menu with links to the available slots, promotions, and payment methods will appear. It is important to mention that you will also find a link to the casino’s dedicated apps.
On the right upper corner, you will notice a button that will help you to change the language of the platform in case you are not a fluent English speaker. The choice is wide enough to find the language you are most familiar with. The games are organized into sections depending on their genre. The live chat button is to be found at the right bottom corner. The mobile version of the casino is also equipped with a search box and a navigation bar to further enhance the process of searching.
To find the casino’s terms and conditions section as well as other important links, you need to scroll down as these are located at the very bottom of the casino’s website. The instant-play format of this casino shares a lot of common features with its desktop counterpart.
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Casino Games

The first thing to catch our eye in MegaSlot Casino is the huge number of games it offers. As its name suggests, the majority of the casino’s gaming portfolio is occupied by top-shelf slots. Reel spinners will certainly not regret their choice in case they decide to sign up with this virtual casino. However, other genres such as live dealer games, progressive jackpots, video poker, and table games are also included in the casino’s catalog.
Owing to the casino’s partnership with more than a dozen software companies, MegaSlot Casino boasts over a total of 1,300 titles that are courtesy of brands such as Playtech, Yggdrasil, Evolution Gaming, NetEnt, Endorphina, Quickspin, and others. Most of the games except the live dealer games feature a demo mode, but you should still open an account at MegaSlot in order to load the games.


Slots are among players’ favorite casino games and that barely surprises anyone familiar with the great diversity these offer. From themes to features, every slot is unique and casino fans can enjoy a different gambling experience every time they play a different slot game. MegaSlot Casino offers a remarkable amount of slots that come with a cinematic quality of the graphics and rewarding cash prizes.
Deadwood, Sakura Fortune, Book of Fortune, Tombstone, Legacy of Dead, Golden Fish Tank, Dragon Kingdom, and the Dog House are just a small sample of the titles you will come across in this section. Even if 3-reel slots are more to your liking, you will certainly find the title that most appeals to you.

Table Games

When it comes to table games, we cannot say that MegaSlot Casino has a lot to offer. There is a tight number of some of the most emblematic casino table games, and more precisely roulette, blackjack, and poker. Roulette Royal, American Roulette, European Roulette, 21 Burn Blackjack, Lucky Blackjack, European Blackjack, Caribbean Stud Poker, Turbo Poker, and others are included in the casino’s selection of games.
The games included in this section feature flexible bet sizes, making wagering on table games more than available. Assuming that you are an avid table player, you might be a little disappointed with the casino’s selection of table games. On the bright side, reel spinners who enthuse over adding spice to the entire mix can try one of the table games’ variations and hope for Lady Luck smiling on them.

Video Poker

Even though MegaSlot Casino offers just a few titles of video poker, casino fans will find some of the game’s most popular variations such as Aces and Faces, American Poker V, Deuces Wild, Joker Wild, and several more. Players should be informed that they can find the available video poker games listed in the Table Games category. The reason why so many casino devotees still enthuse over this somehow old-dated game is that it requires not only luck, but also strategy. What is more, it has higher returns compared to slot games.

Jackpot Games

Players who are craving for life-changing cash prizes will certainly appreciate the nice selection of progressive jackpot games MegaSlot Casino offers. Some of the titles you might find interesting include Bounty of the Beanstalk, Rainbow Jackpots, the series Age of the Gods, Leprechaun’s Luck, A Night in Paris, Glam Life, Charms and Clovers, Jackpot Rango, and Reels of Wealth. You will certainly not be disappointed with the huge choice of titles included in the Jackpot Games Category.

Live Casino

In case you would like to enjoy an authentic casino atmosphere without leaving the comfort of your home, you should try the live dealer games included in the casino’s portfolio. Having in mind that the casino collaborates with one of the leading software companies specialized in developing live dealer games, and more precisely Evolution Gaming, we can safely state that the live dealer suite you will find at MegaSlot Casino will impress you.
NetEnt, Pragmatic Play, Playtech, and some more are the other software providers that are responsible for the casino’s unsurpassed selection of live dealer games. From classic variations of roulette, blackjack, and poker to the latest releases such as Evolution’s Lightning series and game shows, MegaSlot Casino has it all. This somehow compensates for the lack of table games.

Special Games

Players who are trying to find a way to spice up their gambling experience would be interested in learning that MegaSlot Casino offers some special games such as bingo and scratch cards. The titles you will come across include Scratch’Em, Happy Scratch, Frogs Scratch, Gold Coins, Rainforest Magic Bingo, Sweet Alchemy Bingo, etc. We must note that this virtual casino features a good-enough number of scratch games that come with interesting cash prizes. These fast-paced games will certainly get you rid of the monotony and provide you with an unforgettable gambling experience.
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Licensing and Regulations

Security is always one of the biggest concerns online players have. MegaSlot Casino understands why so many casino enthusiasts refrain from indulging in their favorite pastime and for that purpose, the operator is providing a high level of transparency. The casino operates under a license issued by the Malta Gaming Authority and the company that owns this gambling site has years of experience in this industry.
As a company that adheres to the law, players from certain jurisdictions such as France, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Russia, Gibraltar, Jersey, the Czech Republic, and others are not allowed to create accounts at MegaSlot Casino. It is important to mention that NetEnt’s games are not available in some countries due to the software provider’s license.
The games offered at this virtual casino run on the random number generator algorithm (RNG) that is regularly tested by a third auditing agency. In that sense, the results of all games are based on pure chance.
To further cement its strong positions on the market, it seems that the casino is an advocate of responsible gambling. The casino employs various self-reliant strategies to help players at risk tackle the problem.
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Customer Support

MegaSlot Casino boasts 24/7 customer support. To make sure you are in safe hands when playing at this virtual casino, we tested the customer care department whilst writing this review. Based on our experience, the customer support agents from the live chat are more than competent to assist you. What is more, the representatives will provide you with an answer in a prompt manner.
You can get in touch with the customer support department by sending an email at and the representatives will get back to you within 24 hours, even though in most cases it takes just a few hours to have your questions answered. Unfortunately, casino enthusiasts are not provided with the opportunity to directly speak to a casino representative over the phone, but that disadvantage is compensated by the presence of a detailed FAQ page.
A quick link to the FAQ page is available at the bottom of the casino’s homepage. Prior to contacting the customer support department, you can check the information included on this page as you might find some extra details next to the answer to your question.
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MegaSlot Casino pays close attention to its gaming catalog that is comprised of high-quality products developed by top software companies. In addition to that, the casino’s main goal is to provide its players with a safe gambling environment where they can enjoy their favorite games without taking the risk to be deceived. For that purpose, all the important information regarding the casino’s licenses is placed at the bottom of its main page.
As a virtual casino that aims at pleasing players’ various preferences, the operator employs a plethora of payment solutions that are reliable and trustworthy. On top of that, players’ sensitive information is safeguarded by sophisticated encryption systems, so all payments are processed in a risk-free manner.
MegaSlot Casino will certainly become one of the top gambling sites in a flash thanks to its customer-oriented approach. As a disadvantage, we might note that the wagering requirements associated with the Welcome Bonus are a bit too high.
On the other hand, these apply only to the bonus funds, unlike many other online casinos where the total value of the bonus and the deposit is subject to the playthrough. To conclude this review, we would like to say that we consider this online casino an excellent choice for both seasoned and novice players.
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Boomerang Casino 50 free spins no deposit bonus code

Boomerang Casino 50 free spins no deposit bonus code

Boomerang Casino Gratis Spins Bonus
Sign up at Boomerand Casino and get 50 no deposit free spins! After that, enjoy 200 free spins and 100% up to €500 welcome bonus. Fast payments! Excellent support! Tons of games!
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About Boomerang Casino

Founded in 2020 with a focus on casino games at Boomerang Casino you are provided with a large range of games. At present, the game selection includes games from 42 popular software providers, who have a total number of more than 3,000 top games. There might be a varying number of games available to you, depending on the country that you live in. The Curaçao eGaming watches over fairness and security of Boomerang Casino. Alongside English, the casino provides 7 additional language options (i.e. German or Finnish). You have the chance to get the sign-up offer if you deposit for the first time after the registration as a new user. Find out other interesting facts about the casino in our Boomerang Casino review.


There are various different games available at Boomerang Casino, providing appropriate content for customers of different experience levels. You have the possibility to select classic slot games, 3D slot games, video slots as well as progressive jackpots and themed games. Habanero, Play’n GO or Elk Studios are some of the the best software providers available at Boomerang Casino, but of course you will also find some of the best slots designed by other top names. As an addition, live dealer games from NetEnt as well as Evolution Gaming. are also part of the games selection.
Boomerang Casino accepts many different deposit options. Making use of crypto payments like Litecoin or Bitcoin is possible. The casino provides you with common e-wallets like Skrill or Neteller as well as credit cards, for example MasterCard or Visa. On top of that, payments can be carried out using prepaid cards, e.g Postepay and Paysafecard, just as bank wire transfer methods like Trustly or Bank Wire Transfer. However, it should be noted that depending on your location there might be varying deposit and withdrawal options at your disposal. Have in mind: Not every deposit method might hold the same deposit restrictions. You have the possibility to get in touch with the customer care or see the Boomerang Casino deposit limits in the cashier section.
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Naturally, initiating a withdrawal is also allowed with many payment methods. Withdrawals using prepaid cards are not an option, but the casino provides you with payments like Skrill, MasterCard, Neteller and Litecoin. Payouts are limited to a monthly maximum of €10.000. Boomerang Casino does not limit the amount of free withdrawals, that you can carry out. So, there are no withdrawal fees regardless of how many transactions you decide to request. When requesting a withdrawal, it is processed manually by the casino. Usually, at Boomerang Casino the withdrawal process is completed within 1 to 3 days. A confirmation for your cash out will be forwarded to you within 72 hours. You should, however, not forget that your withdrawals will solely be carried out on weekdays.


Signing up at Boomerang Casino only requires players to take a few steps. At first, key in your personal information into the registration form. It is necessary to validate your account once you added your details to the Boomerang Casino registration form. To this purpose, you typically have to click on the confirmation link that the casino provides you via email. Youhave the possibility to start playing after finalizing the confirmation process.
Note that Boomerang Casino provides an additional account verification procedure, that has to be finished before you can carry out transactions. For this purpose, you have to turn in a scan of an official document (passport, driving license or id card). To finish the account verification you are asked to hand in the aforementioned documents via email.
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Reaching out to the Boomerang Casino customer service is possible in different ways. One contact way is the service phone number or as an alternative the customer service email ([email protected]). Normally, the response of the support staff should be in your inbox within 45 hours after your email. In addition, the casino site also provides a web form to contact the service staff. What’s more, you can make use of the Text Chat that can be reached 24 hours every day on the casino’s website. During our examination we only made positive experiences with the customer support team. Before contacting the customer support, however, you can also look at the FAQ area that covers a number of common questions.
Every Casino must comply with high security standards, otherwise they lose their licenses. Boomerang Casino assures that the highest security standards are upheld by using SSL128 coding for their website. The Curaçao eGaming, who issued a license to Boomerang Casino, tests the fairness constantly.
To support responsible gaming, Boomerang Casino provides some player protection measures. The procedures enable you to:
  • Exclude yourself from the casino
  • Pause your account
In addition, in case of problematic gambling behaviour you can turn to the NGO Gamcare, that Boomerang Casino is referring to.


Every new player is permitted to unlock the Boomerang Casino welcome bonus. Your initial payment will be increased up to a maximum of of €500 when claiming this 100% bonus As an addition to the extra money you also have the possibility to get 200 Free Spins . Deposits are possible making use of Visa, Bank Wire Transfer or Litecoin and need to amount not less than €20. Unlocking this bonus is not permitted for deposits using Skrill and Neteller. The maximal bonus is given to you for a payment of €500, meaining that in sum your credits then amounts €1.000. Adding a bonus code is not needed.
You get your bonus funds automatically within a short time after your payment. A rejection of the bonus is possible if you wish not to utilize it. Your bonus funds are available for placing bets as soon as your cash funds are used. You have the chance to play slot machines from Elk Studios, Habanero and Play’n GO, as well as other famous game studios from the current portfolio, using your your bonus funds. Unlocking the Boomerang Casino new customer promotion, you are not able to activate more offers at the casino concurrently.
A cash out of your scored amounts requires you to turn over the bonus and your deposit 30 times. On top of that, turn over any winnings from your Free Spins 40 times. The bonus will expire when requesting a withdrawal before the completion of the criteria requirements. There is no time restriction that counts for the turnover criteria, so fulfilling them should not be a problem.
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Boomerang Casino offers other bonuses for existing users, namely daily deals or a cashback bonus, other than the sign-up bonus. Boomerang Casino might, however, have defined specific terms and conditions for these bonuses that you should read prior to grabbing any bonuses. At Boomerang Casino becoming member of a loyalty program is not possible. Nevertheless, Boomerang Casino grants personal service agent, individual promos & bonuses and faster withdrawals for VIP customers. Existing players have the possibility to participate in Boomerang Casino slot tournaments that are arranged every week. When attending these tournaments participants have the chance to get points and cash.


In conclusion, Boomerang Casino is a varied brand suited for users of all skill levels. Providing 42 different software studios, the casino games section can be described as varied. In addition, for your deposits and withdrawals you have the chance to select a lot of payments. On top of that, generous offers can be grabbed by all players. So, sign up at Boomerang Casino now to convince yourself!
>> Claim Exclusive Bonus Here <<
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Baccarat is among the most popular table casino games and one of the highest payout casino games. Moreover, as you may expect from games with high payouts, the amount wagered is substantial as well. You therefore stand to lose a lot if you do not win, just as you would win a lot if you won. With that in mind, you want to make sure that you only wager when the odds of winning favor you more. The question we haven’t answered is what casino has the highest payout. Well, after much deliberation out team of experts have chosen Old Havana as the highest payout casino. Old Havana brings the tropical feel to online gambling and gives players an idea on how to spend their winnings – on a tropical island, of course! Blackjack is traditionally the highest payout casino game and the house edge is minimal. Online blackjack usually uses one or two decks, compared to eight in a land-based casino. This is important... Play Online Slots with The Highest Payout Percentages. It is the responsibility of a player to find casino slots with the best odds. While online gaming is all about having fun, and this is often what most slots players prioritize, you will have more fun playing real money slots and winning some life-changing sums of money. Keep reading to learn how you can find the top games, relevant ... 2) Baccarat – House Edge from 1.09% Baccarat is among the most popular table casino games and one of the highest payout casino games. Which casino game has the best payout? Here are the best paying RTG Games: Classic Blackjack – Payout Percentage 99.37% Video Poker Selection – Payout Percentage 98-99.3% Classic Blackjack – Microgaming […] At the end of the day, even the highest payout online casinos are businesses. The house edge changes depending on the game you are playing. For example, in blackjack, the house usually has a 1-2% edge over the player, while in slots, it can significantly vary, generally between 2-10% (if we are talking about a trusted provider). If you subtract ... Well, games with higher payout percentage give you a better chance of winning overall. In addition, the game has shown a willingness to payout, which means that it may do so again in future. Payout percentages are a pretty reliable measure of a slot game. Have you ever wondered which online casino has the best payouts percentage out there? With hundred and thousands online casinos to choose from, you might be searching casinos that payout the best. In this article, we’re going to list the highest paying online casino sites which publish their payout percentages.. Not all online casinos or Pay N Play Casinos publish their payout percentages ... Irish Luck is a great casino for all players, with a wide range of slots and table games. On top of this, there is a $3000 welcome bonus package that awaits new players when signing up. Finally, Irish Luck offers a payout percentage of around 98.05%, which makes it one of the best payout casinos around! If you choose to play on Casumo casino you won’t only get the chance to play on one of the highest payout online casino (payout rate of 97 %), you will also have get hours of entertainment. Casumo was first launched in 2012 and has since then become a popular casino online amongst player all over the world. With more than 1500 online slots (including casino slots, video poker, live casino ...

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what casino has the highest payout

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