Monte Cassino School 2206 S Lewis Ave Tulsa, OK Schools

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[BF5] Some thoughts on Battlefield 5 Multiplayer Maps ( and suggestions for improved content)

Being a history nerd I have quite a strong interest in how Battlefield 5 portrays what is arguably one of the most important wars in human history. I've been continually left feeling a bit perplexed about the content choices that have been made and how to represent the conflict. There's glaring omissions and weird additions that just don't sit right with me and arguably make for a worse gaming experience. I've read somewhere that the intention is to release maps and DLC chronologically, which is why the multiplayer maps depict the early years of the war, roughly 1940-41 it seems. I don't think this has been the best idea though- it means that on release (which is the most important content release) you're missing a lot of iconic content (D-Day, Stalingrad, Kursk, Operation Market Garden etc) that would draw players into buying the core game.
You'd think then that given the self-imposed chronological restrictions, you'd want to at least choose iconic events from 1940-41, but I find it odd they've missed Dunkirk (which would have lent itself well to an operations map) and instead they've fictitiously inserted the British into Rotterdam and fighting through the Netherlands. Twisted Steel looks like they didn't have the patience to wait until the 1944 Market Garden DLC and so they have British paras fighting over "French" bridges which look suspiciously Dutch . By going chronological in the DLC order, it also means they're going to get really congested come 1944, because the intensity of the war varied each year- In 1939 relatively fuck all happened aside from the Invasion of Poland, and 1940 was largely the Wehrmacht taking a summer holiday in France. It's only really in 1941 when things really kick off, rising in intensity until 1944 and declining in 1945. Now, I think DICE have good intentions in wanting to portray "unknown" or "forgotten" conflicts in the war, which seems to be what they're doing here especially with the announced Invasion of Greece content map- but gamers want and expect a WW2 game to include iconic, famous content in a WW2 game. It should be perfectly possible to do both.
By releasing multiplayer maps with a chronological theme, DICE are shooting themselves in the foot because they're missing content that draws gamers to play WW2 games and its even forcing them to make stuff up (Rotterdam) in order to get enough content in.
If it was up to me, I'd do the whole multiplayer DLC release geographically rather than chronologically. Here are some suggestions for map ideas that I believe would have made for a much stronger BF5 release with more appealing content:
Vanilla/Initial Release: Western Europe
"Operation Dynamo": Dunkirk Evacuation (UK v Germany, excellent for operations map)
"Blitzkrieg": Fall of France (UK V Germany, large vehicle focused tank map)
"Operation Overlord": D-Day landings (US V Germany- attacking players on operations have choice of parachuting in or going in via landing craft)
"A Bridge too Far": Operation Market Garden (UK V Germany- basically the Twisted Steel map only i'd make it more urbanised)
"Hurtigen Forest": Battle of the Bulge (US V Germany, winter-forest map akin to Argonne Forest)
"Fall of the Reich" Crossing the Rhine (US V Germany, map similar to Amien but set in Germany)
That in itself would give the game itself a solid-start with core-content that I think would be more appealing to gamers. They'd also be three distinct factions which would allow for greater faction based customisations)
I'd then also release the following DLCS:
1: Eastern Front: Featuring Operation Barbarossa (rural tank map) Siege of Moscow (winter snow map) Stalingrad, Kursk (mega tank battle) and "Downfall", depicting fall of Berlin- intense urban combat, featuring subway combat akin to Metro)
2: "Ring of Fire" War in the Pacific: Featuring Fall of Hong Kong (urban map) Guadalcanal (airfield map) Okinawa (bunkecave network clearing Fort de Vaux style) Burma (Argonne Jungle) and obviously Wake Island.
3: Mediterranean: Featuring El -Alamein (desert tank battle) Crete (Parachute grand operations map) and Monte Cassino (German forces defending a castle on hill)
4: Partisan: Guerrilla fighters versus German occupiers- ideas include Warsaw Uprising, Yugoslavia (mountainous rural map) Paris, Norway and Russia)
5: "Extras": Ideas include depicting British commando raids on German U-Boat pens, Soviet invasion of Manchuria, Liberation of the Philippines- perhaps some Chinese maps and a new China faction.
Some of the DLC's would introduce specific factions (Russia, Japan, Partisans)- Potentially the US Marines and ANZAC forces could be treated as a separate factions as well.
There's lots of other issues with BF5 of course, but if they'd got the map location settings right I think it would have made for a stronger initial release.
submitted by Battle_Biscuits to Battlefield [link] [comments]

Resources - (Books, Archives, Galleries, Manuscripts, etc)

This page will be an attempt to archive all linked content provided by Martin of Flat Earth British.
If something is missing, please PM mod or comment below with information which will then be added to this archive if approved.

Flat Earth British (Youtube)
FEB Sub group - photos and additional content
Show your support: Patreon or Paypal
Google Photo Group (large dump of various images, no title/link/context however)

Other recommended youtube Channels:
FEB Sub group
New Earth
Wise Up
Jon Levi
Richard Lopez
Philipp Druzhinin


List of locations for discovering content new:
Rare Maps
Donum (Rare books section) (Vatican)

(This list is just content that was linked in the description of each of Martins videos, ill keep the NEWST content at the TOP of this list)

-The voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick, Duke of Holstein, to the great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia
-Tapestry: Wild Men and Moors German (probably Strasbourg, Alsace) about 1440
-Map of the Kingdom of Spain 1646
-Map New France exact delineation 1657
-1710 - A new and very powerful Illustrissimis Tabula Swiss cantons and republics reformed religion Tigurinae
-1730 - New map of Switzerland divided into its thirteen cantons
-85 views and types of the Malacca peninsula, mainly Singapore and Poulo-Penang, by J. Claine, donor in 1891

History of alternative energy: Fireplace
The Old Cincinnati Library before being demolished, 1874-1955

-Gallica version

Photos, Illustrations, Drawings, Graphics, etc.

Maps \ Panoramas \ Aerial Photos \ etc:

submitted by redofhair to FlatEarthBritish [link] [comments]

How I would have handled a WWII Battlefield Game's setting

So this is all about the setting and locations, which a lot of people have commented on.
First off, I would title BFV differently, because there would be 2 games instead of one:
Battlefield V-E (Victory in Europe) would launch 2018,
Battlefield V- J or A (Victory in Japan/Asia) would launch in 2020.
All things considered, these were two very different wars and the games would each focus on different aspects and even have their own mechanics. They retain the same V marking because they share the same time period, but obviously differ in setting.
IE, the pacific saw a lot of guerrilla tactics, so gimmicks and mechanics based on this could be implemented. There would also be full-scale naval and air battles. In Europe, you would have large vehicular tank battles with little to no focus on naval engagements, and maybe only an air supremacy mode focused on the battle of Britain.
The map lineup for each game would end around 30 maps- you could involve lesser known battles alongside ones we already know. I'll include a question mark for anything that could be considered expendable to make room for other maps.
There could be:
The invasion of Poland (?)
1 Rotterdam map that brings back levolution from BF4. Basically, halfway through the game just have bombers come and seriously fuck with the existing Rotterdam map so you have to continue fighting but with many destroyed buildings and changes to the game. saves one map.
Norway x1
Fall of France, 2 maps one tank focused
Air map for the battle of Britain with objectives for the Germans to bomb.
Greece proper
North Africa 2 or 3? (focus one on tanks)
Sicily ?
Italy proper (IE monte cassino)?
Normandy (if they want to go with lesser known, then they could do Gold, Sword, Juno, or Utah- especially given the vehicles that actually made it to the beach in these sectors) (or pont du hoc).
Market Garden (IE twisted steel)
Battle of the Bulge (can be focused on tanks)
Invasion of Germany
Castle Itter because fuck it
Or switch out any ?'s with more lesser known battles to get to about 20 western front
On the eastern front:
Operstion Barabarossa x2 Moscow or Leningrad (both are cities so pick one) Sevastapol Stalingrad x2 Kursk (Tanks) Novorossiysk Berlin pick one extra lesser known battle
You could also throw in 1 or 2 Winter War maps of the USSR and Finnish
I feel like all the above are a nice mix of new shit and stuff we've seen before.
As for the maps for BFV-J:
Pick like, idk 4 battles on Mainland china (I'm not as well versed on this front) from 1937 onwards
In no particular order:
Burma Rangoon Malaya Philipines Wake Island Tarawa Pelilu Guadal Canal Iwo Jima Okinawa Aleutian Islands (?) Baatan New Guinea Solomon islands The Fall of Hong Kong The Fall of Singapore
pick 3 even obscurer ones
Naval battles focusing on ship and air combat: Pearl Harbor coral sea midway Leyte Gulf phillipine sea Java sea
pick one even obscurer one
Unfortunately, we won't get this kind of line up. I really was looking forward to more obscure and unknown battles but with the communities feelings on the matter I doubt Dice will decide to look at those as much. Not to mention they have both halves of the war to shove into the game.
submitted by jman014 to Battlefield [link] [comments]

[BFV]Will DICE Release a Roadmap for Post Launch Content?

With only two months until release, we've seen glimpses of the 3 areas BFV will include at launch. Holland (Rotterdam/Devastation), Norway (Narvik/Fjell), Africa (Halfava Pass/Foxhunt). Safe to assume those will be 6 conquest maps as well.
Now there's frames of another battle with sunflowers in an open field which may be of a 4th area. This looks to be a primarily flat location in Western Europe and may possibly tie into the bridge/marsh location more wildly shown from the reveal trailer. So figure we will have 4 areas of combat featuring 2 maps from each. 8 maps total on release, for comparison BF1 included 9 at launch with Giants Shadow as a free map released 2 months after. Nivelle Nights was released as a free map approximately 6 months after that.
My question is now that there's no Premium, how soon can we expect to see DICE lay out plans for post launch content? As of now there's only 2 nations and their respective battles/conflicts at launch. And these are only from the early part of the war. So is it safe to say that if some fans wish to play more iconic battles such as Omaha Beach, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Bastogne, and Monte Cassino players might have to wait until mid 2019 at the earliest? Right now all we can do is speculate, but for BF1 the first DLC including the French (in a WW1 game...) took 6 months after launch to be released.
If that's any indication to go by one surely has to question DICE's Tides of War Live Service model to see just how much and how often will receive this "free" content.
Does DICE really plan to fully included all 5 major theaters of WW2 in BFV? Looking at the game as it stands now, DICE would essentially have to make 4 more BFV's to get there...
submitted by Epic28 to Battlefield [link] [comments]

Battlefield 1944 Ideas! Part 8: DLC

Hello and welcome to....TO READ THE REST OF THE POST PAY 15$
Nah, neither would I. Okay so in this post Im going to be talking about the possible DLC's that could be added in Bf1944.
If you missed any of the other posts, here they are:
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 9; Part 10
Now, I personally like what the current DLC system in Battlefield works. You pay 15$ for 5 guns, 4 maps, a new gamemode and a vehicle. But some problems arise then. What If people don't like the maps, or the gamemode or the vehicles. Then they are basically paying 15$ for 5 guns. And If one gun in the DLC is a good gun, people who dont have that DLC usually scream Pay2Win. And plus not everyone want what some DLC's are offering so they dont buy it. I heard a lot of people didn't want to buy the Naval Strike DLC for Bf4 because they didn't like the Open and big maps that they offered.
So how do we fix these problems, well...In my opinion if we keep the weapons so that you can only use them in the DLC, but the DLC is totally worth 15$. , a lot of problems would be solved. So, how do we make a DLC totally worth 15$, simple! Dont make it DLC, make it an expansion pack. But not like BFBC2 Vietnam(even tho that was a full blown expansion pack, and I loved it). More of like booster packs from BF2.
Here are some ideas about possible DLC:
British expansion pack
Adds a new front: The African Campaign and a new British faction with everything a faction has:
*This weapons list comes from my idea, of which I wrote about in Part 5. If you have any other suggestions on how guns can be moved around, write them there.
Maps- 4 maps in the DLC, but here are some possible maps that could be added
Italian expansion pack
Adds the Italian front and a whole new Italian faction with everything a faction gets:
Resistance expansion pack
Adds the Partisan and Resistance fighter faction, which could use various captured German, Soviet and U.S. gear, maps can be set in various cities and places throughout Nazi occupied Europe. Most of these maps could be infantry focused, giving the perfect playground to infantry players. Since the partisans would use gear already in the game, Ill just skip to possible map locations.
Maps- Could be set in one of these countries
Special Forces expansion pack
Adds the British SAS and the Waffen SS or some other German Special Force, maybe some U.S. Special Forces(remember the first mission of BFBC2, something like that). The SAS would use British weapons, they could add some cool new gadgets. So the SF expansion pack could be something like an infantry focused British expansion pack. They should put in experimental vehicles and weapons aswell, could merge it with SWoWWII from Bf1942. Most of the DLC should be set in night to offer some good night combat especially since there would be no IRNV scope( other than the Vampire scope for the STG 44.)
Maps- Could be centered around these elements
Alternate Reality expansion pack
What would happen if Germany manages to invade Britain, or Japan invades America. If The Soviets and Germans were to fight it out on the South or North Pole. If the events from Wolfenstein would happen. If the Soviets were to actually fight the Japanese. If the cold war had escalated in 1946. This DLC would offer unique settings and battles between factions that normally haven't fought against each other. And there some new weapons that could be added(coughAK-47cough).
Well thats all the DLC I could think of, I would definitely buy these DLC's. What about you? What do you think of my ideas for DLC's? What are you'rs? Tell me about them in the comments. And until next time, enjoy your DLC's!
submitted by ogiELman to battlefield_4 [link] [comments]

Battlefield 1944 - Part 1: Maps

EDIT - Title should read 'Part 2', but never mind!
Part 1: Introduction
Part 3: Weapons and Classes
It's been a while since I wrote my introduction, been a bit busy, but here is part 2 of my idea for Battlefield 1944. All the maps, with descriptions. Every map from the original BF1942 and Road to Rome expansion has been included, but I have also added eight new ones. Some changes have been made to the originals, be it for historical accuracy or simply changing the nations.
They take place over five fronts: Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Pacific, and Western Europe.
Without further ado, here they are:
Eastern Europe:
A war torn city is all that stands in the way of Allied victory, and it plays host to some intense street fighting. Similar to the original BF1942, but it has expanded south of the river, where there is another capture point, and to the north west of the map is the Reichstag.
The Crimea
This German occupied peninsula, dominated by rolling hills and villages, is separated from the Ukranian mainland by a bridge, with the Soviet forces waiting to launch their offensive on the other side.
East Prussian Offensive
On one side of the river is the city of Konigsberg, where the Axis have been pushed back. On the other is the fields and meadows where Soviet forces are.
An island in the middle of two rivers, with Allied and Axis forces on either side waiting to take the city. A huge change from the original BF1942 version is that the island in the middle has been completely urbanised, with plenty of buildings.
A huge swathe of rural land plays host to epic tank battles. No changes from the BF1942 version.
Seelow Heights
German and Russian forces, dug into their trenches, fight for supremacy over a mountainous piece of land, their bases either side of it.
Russians launch their assault on a German occupied city, it's buildings wrecked and in rubble as a result of continous fighting. Changes from the original see the Allies spawn across the river to the south of the map and crossing it to the southern capture point by boat, and the north west train station now being a capture point.
Anzio An industrial port with a river through the middle leads American forces to push on through the surrounding mountainous region against the Germans. The main change from the original Road to Rome version is that the Allies begin the map on a ship, and must land at Anzio, where the Germans have all the flags.
A series of villages and an airfield set amongst mountains and hills, occupied by the British, play host to a German paratrooper assault from across the sea, with naval assistance.
Monte Cassino
A German occupied Monastery, wrecked by constant Allied bombings, sits atop a gradual mountain where intensive fighting plays out. The Allied nation is British, rather than French like in the original version.
Monte Santa Croce
German troops are dug in atop a hill in a vast mountainous region, whilst Allied forces are based across the river. The Allied nation is British, rather than French like in the original version.
Operation Baytown
Two islands, one occupied by the British, and the other by the Italians, with a third, smaller island in between. No changes from the original Road to Rome version.
Operation Husky
British troops land on a beach and move inland, towards a village occupied by the Italians. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
Americans and Germans go head to head on a large, spacious, mountainous landmass surrounded by a river. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
North Africa:
Beda Fomm
British and Italian defensive lines lie across this peninsula, comprised wholly of desert sand.
El Alamein
A huge desert plays host to tank battles and air strikes between British and German forces, both located in large bases. The difference between this version and the original version is that the map has been made slightly smaller, with the sea to the north of the map, and a railway line along the coastline, with the village of El Alamein located along the railway as a cappable flag.
Narrow roads and small villages are the only spaces on this hugely mountainous map that allow the many tanks to pass through, as Britain and Germany go head-to-head. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
Kasserine Pass
German and American forces fight in the rocky mountains, lined with plenty of natural trenches, with the village of Kasserine to the south.
Operation Aberdeen
A large spacious desert with only one small village in the middle, with a huge emphasis on tank battles. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
Operation Battleaxe
British and German bases lie on either side of a small, arena-like valley in the desert. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
Behind a number of defensive lines lies the city of Tobruk, occupied by the British, who defend it from oncoming German forces. A huge change to the map is that the city of Tobruk has been made a lot bigger, stretching towards the sea, with a new flag being added - Tobruk port.
Coral Sea
An almost entirely naval map, with only a few nondescript attols as any landmark during this naval battle between America and Japan. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
This large island dominated by mountains and jungles is bookended by American and Japanese bases. The spacious grassy parts to the east of the island in the original BF1942 version are now jungles.
Iwo Jima
American forces land on this small, mountainous island dominated by the Japanese. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
Invasion of the Phillipines
A series of small islands play host to amphibious landings and naval warfare between America and Japan. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
The American and Japanese navies engage in fighting in the water around this small atoll that hosts only an airfield. No changes from the original BF1942 version.
Japanese soldiers defend a narrowly shaped island from an amphibious American assault.
Wake Island's Wake Island. You all know the score.
Western Europe:
Battle of Britain
British fighters must defend their factories from German bombers and fighters coming from across the sea. No changes to the original BF1942 version.
Battle of the Bulge
In snowy terrain, Americans and Germans go head to head in a large swathe of land, separated in two by a river, with one village to the south. No changes to the original BF1942 version.
Americans and Germans fight in French countryside, with windmills, church towers, a sawmill and a few bombed out buildings being the only cover. No changes to the original BF1942 version.
Hurtgen Forest
A rural map with a large forest, in which Americans and Germans fight, divided in two by a river with a large dam.
Liberation of Caen
Allied troops cross Pegasus Bridge to engage German forces in urban warfare on the streets of Caen. The Allied nation is British, rather than Canadian like in the original BF1942 version.
Omaha Beach
The Americans partake in an amphibious assault on a beach strongly defended by the Germans, and push inland through the village at the top. The bunkers are larger than the original BF1942 version, and can be entered through a door at the bottom. There is also a wall of barbed wire near the top of the beach, and mortars have been placed among the bunkers.
Operation Market Garden
Allied forces fight on the streets of Arnhem, which sits on a river, with German forces based on the other side. The Allied nation is British, rather than American like in the original BF1942 version.
submitted by thisishardcore_ to Battlefield [link] [comments]

SHG Weekly Community Update - Friday, June 29

With the launch of Call of Duty: WWII DLC Pack 3: United Front this week on PS4, we’ve been on cloud 9! The reactions from you guys in the community have been so positive and it’s been awesome watching your streams and videos and seeing you all have so much fun, especially with Nazi Zombies: The Tortured Path! Check out the trailers for both Multiplayer and Nazi Zombies for a taste of our latest DLC Pack:
Official Call of Duty®: WWII - United Front DLC 3 Trailer
Official Call of Duty®: WWII - United Front DLC 3 - “The Tortured Path” Nazi Zombies Trailer
And with that, we have some updates for you…
Weekly MP Update
We wanted to give you all a little dev insight into the latest DLC 3 maps and the new War Mode experience, Operation Supercharge. Here are some quotes from two of our most-senior MP map/level designers, as well as map flythroughs for Market Garden, Stalingrad, and Monte Cassino:
Official Call of Duty®: WWII – United Front – Market Garden
Market Garden. “We didn’t want to do a classic European village like what we already have. I was looking at what the Allies and Axis were using as Headquarters, and they were using nice hotels or mansions. I thought it would be cool to have a map with no major elevation changes, with threats approaching from the same level, inside luxurious European interiors. It was super interesting to use rooms that acted as a functional space, such as the lobby, where the elevators would be, the kitchen, the bathrooms (which are a very relatable space for everyone [laughs]). We wanted to give it a more old-school vibe, but super fast-paced. My best advice would be try to control the Main Lobby area and the dining hall, where the two big statues are located. Using Airborne, Cavalry, and Resistance, paired with the PPSh-41 or the Combat Shotgun, and the new Specialist Basic Training (very effective for close-quarters combat in interior spaces), can be very useful in these areas.” - Stan
Official Call of Duty®: WWII – United Front – Stalingrad
Stalingrad. “One tip I would give for this map, is to counter-snipe from the upper Foundry Platform on the side lanes if you’re being attacked by snipers. Keep an eye out for a hole in the Fuel Pump area that leads down to the sewers below. If opponents are trying to be sneaky and use the sewers, you can always throw grenades down that hole to catch them off guard, or drop down into the sewers and ambush them. A really good strategy on this map is to shoot people from balconies using a sniper rifle.” - Evan
Official Call of Duty®: WWII – United Front – Monte Cassino
Monte Cassino. “Monte Cassino has a lot more verticality than Market Garden. I always wanted to make a map in an Italian village. I wanted to make the map more complex than what we’ve usually done for Call of Duty: WWII – a map where lots of movement and aggressive playstyle would be rewarded. One of the stand-out characteristics of this map are the rooftops. There’s a lot of opportunities to effectively counter the rooftop positions as well. There’s a cliff pass as well. It’s typically a less-populated and less-traveled area of the map, so it can be an effective flanking spot as well. Running Mountain Division with Specialist Basic Training and a silenced MP40 can be extremely effective on Monte Cassino.” - Stan
Operation Supercharge. “As an attacker, try to shoot down the crate during the first objective. It works just like a Care Package, so get it down to the ground faster. Once I’ve planted a bomb, I like to get back on that sandbag wall, which is typically a defender position, but as an attacker, you can use it to keep an eye on the bomb. Also, as you destroy bits of the bridge, your access to those areas is reduced, so be sure to be strategic about how and when you destroy parts of the bridge. As defenders, keep an eye out for rubble from the destroyed bridge and climb it, using it to your advantage. And on the very last flag, there’s a guard tower that can be built (and destroyed), so whether you’re an attacker or a defender, there’s a strategic way to use that guard tower effectively.” - Evan
Weekend Warfare. This weekend, PS4 players can enjoy a TRIPLE Double XP weekend on the United Front Moshpit. That means 2XP, 2DivisionXP, and 2WeaponXP! Additionally, all players can enjoy a TRIPLE Double XP weekend on all War Mode operations! Enjoy until 10AM PDT on Monday, July 2!
Triple XP
Game Update. This week, we released a title update on PS4 and XB1. PC will get the update next week. For full notes, head here.
Hot Fixes. We also pushed out some hot fixes yesterday. Take a look at our latest Reddit post for more details.
CWL Team Packs. This week, we released team gear representing some of the top competitive league teams! We are so excited to see everyone out there rocking their favorite team’s Weapon Camos, Weapon Charms, Calling Cards, Emblems, and Helmets. Head to the Quartermaster to pick one up!
Weekly Weapon Contract. This week, it’s for the PTRS-41! Make sure to grab it before 10AM PDT on Tuesday, July 3!
Next Weekly Weapon Contract. Next week, the Blunderbuss is up! This Weapon Contract will be live starting 10AM PDT on Tuesday, July 3!
Nazi Zombies Weekly Update
A Letter from the B.A.T.
The Tortured Path. Our recruits are dedicated to getting this caravan safely across enemy lines, and down to the icy south where our core B.A.T. team has infiltrated a secret Nazi dig site…
Dig Site
Community Celebration And now, for some highlights from the community.
First off, a GIANT shout-out to the Zombies community for their deduction skills, tenacity, and all-around dedication to the hunt! You all have been giving it your best and some of you got really, really close! If you haven’t checked out the following accounts, you should! However, we wanted to congratulate the official first team to solve The Tortured Path Easter Egg: Mxtive, The_Vice_Squad, Beebat, and andyennis10!
Congratulations to the First Easter Egg Solvers on The Tortured Path
SmartGuy316 posted a really nice review of our DLC 3 preview event. Thank you!
We love that you guys are digging the new Cavalry Division and showing off your favorite new Uniforms!
As always, we are here for you. Talk to us and we’ll do our duty to get back to you and pass along your feedback to the rest of the team.
Twitter: @SHGames
Reddit: SHG_Hammer
Cheers, everyone, and have a great Triple Double weekend! See you online!
submitted by Sledge_Hammer_Games to CallOfDutyWorldWarTwo [link] [comments]

Battlefield 1944 Ideas! Part 8: DLC

Hello and welcome to....TO READ THE REST OF THE POST PAY 15$
Nah, neither would I. Okay so in this post Im going to be talking about the possible DLC's that could be added in Bf1944.
If you missed any of the other posts, here they are:
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7;
Now, I personally like what the current DLC system in Battlefield works. You pay 15$ for 5 guns, 4 maps, a new gamemode and a vehicle. But some problems arise then. What If people don't like the maps, or the gamemode or the vehicles. Then they are basically paying 15$ for 5 guns. And If one gun in the DLC is a good gun, people who dont have that DLC usually scream Pay2Win. And plus not everyone want what some DLC's are offering so they dont buy it. I heard a lot of people didn't want to buy the Naval Strike DLC for Bf4 because they didn't like the Open and big maps that they offered.
So how do we fix these problems, well...In my opinion if we keep the weapons so that you can only use them in the DLC, but the DLC is totally worth 15$. , a lot of problems would be solved. So, how do we make a DLC totally worth 15$, simple! Dont make it DLC, make it an expansion pack. But not like BFBC2 Vietnam(even tho that was a full blown expansion pack, and I loved it). More of like booster packs from BF2.
Here are some ideas about possible DLC:
British expansion pack
Adds a new front: The African Campaign and a new British faction with everything a faction has:
*This weapons list comes from my idea, of which I wrote about in Part 5. If you have any other suggestions on how guns can be moved around, write them there.
Maps- 4 maps in the DLC, but here are some possible maps that could be added
Italian expansion pack
Adds the Italian front and a whole new Italian faction with everything a faction gets:
Resistance expansion pack
Adds the Partisan and Resistance fighter faction, which could use various captured German, Soviet and U.S. gear, maps can be set in various cities and places throughout Nazi occupied Europe. Most of these maps could be infantry focused, giving the perfect playground to infantry players. Since the partisans would use gear already in the game, Ill just skip to possible map locations.
Maps- Could be set in one of these countries
Special Forces expansion pack
Adds the British SAS and the Waffen SS or some other German Special Force, maybe some U.S. Special Forces(remember the first mission of BFBC2, something like that). The SAS would use British weapons, they could add some cool new gadgets. So the SF expansion pack could be something like an infantry focused British expansion pack. They should put in experimental vehicles and weapons aswell, could merge it with SWoWWII from Bf1942. Most of the DLC should be set in night to offer some good night combat especially since there would be no IRNV scope( other than the Vampire scope for the STG 44.)
Maps- Could be centered around these elements
Alternate Reality expansion pack
What would happen if Germany manages to invade Britain, or Japan invades America. If The Soviets and Germans were to fight it out on the South or North Pole. If the events from Wolfenstein would happen. If the Soviets were to actually fight the Japanese. If the cold war had escalated in 1946. This DLC would offer unique settings and battles between factions that normally haven't fought against each other. And there some new weapons that could be added(coughAK-47cough).
Well thats all the DLC I could think of, I would definitely buy these DLC's. What about you? What do you think of my ideas for DLC's? What are you'rs? Tell me about them in the comments. And until next time, enjoy your DLC's!
submitted by ogiELman to Battlefield [link] [comments]

monte cassino map location video

Call of Duty® WWII / NOUVELLE MAP Day of Infamy Amazing Custom Maps 2018 Call of Duty WWII DLC 3 United Front Monte Cassino Map ... Montecassino Abbey, Benedictine Monastery, Day Trips From Rome! Monte Cassino - First Battle - YouTube Battlefield 1942 - Monte Cassino - Gameplay - YouTube Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome - YouTube Monte Cassino - The Bombing - NO SOUND

Location. Casino Du Liban Street, Maameltein, Jounieh. Map. Monte Cassino is one of Lebanon’s privately managed 5 star superior boutique hotels, It is 45 minutes away from the airport and 15 minutes away from Lady of Lebanon. Open in Google Maps. News & Offers. Monte Cassino is a monastery in Lazio, Italy, 130 km southeast of Rome. It is a rocky hill overlooking the town of Cassino. Are you looking for the map of Montecassino? Find any address on the map of Montecassino or calculate your itinerary to and from Montecassino, find all the tourist attractions and Michelin Guide restaurants in Montecassino. The ViaMichelin map of Montecassino: get the famous Michelin maps, the result of more than a century of mapping experience. Monte Cassino Monastery is located on the top of one of the hills (519 m above sea level) of the Central Apennine. This abbey was founded in the fourth century by Saint Benedict is one of the largest in Italy. The Monte Cassino Monastery during the Second World War was at the center of war events. For more than 90 years, Monte Cassino has been committed to academic excellence while educating the whole student. Beyond the classroom, Monte Cassino School students develop socially and morally within a supportive community of educators and parents to develop the active skills for life. Get directions, maps, and traffic for Cassino, Lazio. Check flight prices and hotel availability for your visit. Monte Cassino Monte Cassino is a rocky hill about 130 kilometres southeast of Rome, in the Latin Valley, Italy, 2 kilometres to the west of the town of Cassino and 520 m altitude. Montecassino Abbey Location Montecassino Abbey is about 130 kilometers south of Rome and 100 kilometers north of Naples, on the mountain above the town of Cassino in the southern Lazio region. From the A1 autostrada, take the Cassino exit. From the town of Cassino, Montecassino is about 8 kilometers up a winding road. detailed map of Cassino and near places Welcome to the Cassino google satellite map! This place is situated in Frosinone, Lazio, Italy, its geographical coordinates are 41° 30' 0" North, 13° 49' 0" East and its original name (with diacritics) is Cassino. Monte Cassino has been owned and operated by the Benedictine Sisters since 1926. Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Monte Cassino is a school in which parents, students, and faculty work together to promote what is best for each child. Our quest for quality education includes hard work, mingled with fun and laughter, and accompanied by success and growth.

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Call of Duty® WWII / NOUVELLE MAP "Monte Cassino" DLC3 ...

The beautiful Montecassino Abbey, in the south part of Latium, 1 h 40 min drive from Rome. The Abbey is on top of a mount and has been completely rebuilt aft... Карты: Battle for Anzio, Monte Cassino, Monte Santa Croce, Salerno, Operation Baytown, Operation Husky. Уровень сложности: AI skill - impossible / ticket penalty - hard ... The decision to attack the monastery, occupied and fortified by the Germans, was a military necessity. The results of the decision are vividly portrayed in the following sensational pictures. CUTS ... Call of duty WW2 DLC 3 united Front new map gameplay German Paratroopers defending against the Western Allies in one of the most epic battles of WWII and the 20th century!If you like our work consider supportin... Axis side: mod Forgotten Hope Secret WeaponPlay :16/02/14 Onetime Server(JP)MAP : CM Monte Cassino... Salut à tous aujourd'hui on se retrouve pour une nouvelle vidéo sur WW2 pour vous présenter la nouvelle map "Monte Cassino" j'espère que sa vous plaira BON V... Monte Cassino Causeway Doi Pegasus Lazio El Guettar Offen Doi Last Stand Lighthouse Ladbroke Text mentions of awesome maps: Panzershlacht, Preufstand7n, Doi_Sandwall ... Location: United States ... Skip navigation Sign in. Search Battlefield 1942 - Secret Weapons of WWII. Special operation in Monte Cassino. During the Battle of Monte Cassino in the Italian Campaign of World War II (Ja...

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