Worst Starting Hands in Texas Hold'em - LiveAbout

top 10 worst starting hands in texas holdem

top 10 worst starting hands in texas holdem - win

This was hard for me to write I will include the Drive link to anyone who wants to read it there I'm 25 I live in PA here's my story.

I have my google drive if anyone would want that by any means just let me know ill shoot it over to you so you can have the DOC. also set to CONTROVERSIAL.

Death to who you think you are
Chapter one: The briefing
If we want to get the feeling of the beginning we have to start from the real beginning. I don’t remember the real age but I was very young. We shall say somewhere from one to two. I got to spend time with my real father and that leads down a bad path. From what I was told, being older that is. I had gotten soap in my eye and I cried nonstop and my dad hit me in the face. Now, this wasn’t some normal hit or love tap of being out of order. This was a young baby with now a fractured skull and an innocent child that now will start his journey in life on the wrong foot. My mother took my real father out to court over custody and needless to say he did not show and my mother had taken me home safe from something every happening again. We can kind of fast forward from this point to about the age of four to five. My life consists of my mother, my grandfather and my grandmother. My mom at this point had brought me around a lot of people and for me being a kid I didn’t know a lot, but we never went around someone I shouldn’t be around. But then my mother brought this guy around. We shall call him Lewis. he was a cool guy we got along well with and with me not having that father figure around it was cherished in a way that not a lot of people will get. Towards the end of me being my five-year-old self, my mother had gotten married to Lewis. It was a beautiful wedding and my mom was herself, everything just seemed right as a child, happiness is simple when you are that age I guess. We had lived in a small town in a house that my mother had purchased around the same time as the wedding, also along with that was a few brand new cars. Life was good as a child at least that’s what it looked like. The next few years flew past I had a new father and my mother was happy just everything was right. Now first thing’s first I was not a super poor child or I mostly got what I wanted being an only child. But as little as I knew things were going to change and I had no idea.
Around the age of ten is when things started to fall out of place and was a downward spiral until I started my new journey. My mother never had a good record with health but that goes for most of us in the family. She had suffered from numerous strokes and back issues due to a car accident that changed her life. Many hospitals and doctors’ offices had been visited with the journey I’ve taken with my mother. But we shall also get deeper into that. At this time in life, my mother was going through changes that I did not understand. She was sick and also trying to have a baby some time went on and things seemed well with my mother but something inside as a kid told me things were only starting and boy was I right. Around this time of me being nine to ten my mother had lost over ten miscarriages, I mostly don’t know the real reasons why that was but I’m sure if I wasn’t told correctly it was to make it seem like everything will be okay in the end. But many times I knew about having a sibling and sometimes it was just oh the stork or something didn’t make it, you know the things we were all fed as kids so we just didn’t ask questions. Finally, a miracle for my mother and Lewis happened. They got pregnant with my younger sister. That was a long 9 months with my mother for sure. But once my sister was born there were problems that I didn’t understand fully. She had been put on a machine that was attached to her heart, as a kid, this was terrifying to see someone you love in that situation because as myself-going through something life-changing likes that. At this age is when I started getting “Stuck in my head”. My grandfather raised me showing me to always be observant and have your back to a corner so no one can come up from behind you. At a young age, I was taught a lot in a short time. Because on top of my mother having issues and my grandmother was also sick at the same time with this thing called cancer that I had no idea what it was or how harsh of a thing it was. But at that age, I realized something was wrong. Wrong… I started spending time with my grandparents more and more and I wouldn’t leave their side. That’s when I had realized these are my parents and my haven. Now don’t get me wrong my mother is my mother and I will love that woman no matter what I say or do. But she also knows what I mean by this statement and as for most of you know that’s just how having grandparents is. At this time I committed my time to my grandmother though. Like I had friends and stuff in school but nothing meant more to me than going to see her after school or on the weekend just honestly any time. I was learning so much from her how to cook, clean, do laundry or even just something like gardening. I was learning so much at such a fast pace I was blinded to the fact that this woman, my haven, my grandmother was dying and I had not the slightest clue. In this short time of ten to about twelve is where I learned how to become an adult very early. I was on a mission and I had no idea.
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Chapter two: The blindfolded truth
In the time of me being around my grandmother, I have seen things people will never see in their lifetime and things that you couldn’t even process in your head. This section will be about my Grandmother and just my journey with a woman who was the purest person you could ever meet.
The time of realizing my grandmother was sick I picked up even harder on being there making sure she knew I loved her. Around when I did start to notice was when she started losing her hair. To me, she was still a beautiful woman no matter how she looked because her soul was so pure you could just feel it in the atmosphere around you. You can see the sickness in her eyes, you can see the thoughts, the worry and the pain. But she never broke character; she never let us know how much it bothered her. Until one afternoon she had gone into the bathroom. She had collapsed and I had heard it. I ran to that door as fast as I could but it was locked. I had no response from her but I knew I needed to get in here. I knew this was not good. Soon my mother and grandfather came to help. We got that door open and we had many smelling salts planted around the house and this was a time we had to use one. As my grandmother laid there hopeless, unconscious and looking lifeless my heart dropped emptiness grew inside my head and my heart and my soul started to feel like it was being torn out of me. I had to have been around the age of ten to eleven when this had happened. It was all like a daze, something that wouldn’t go away as the EMS got there and they had stabilized her enough to get her to the hospital. Across this time frame this was very normal she lived at chemo or the hospital or doctors. The chemo at this rate had been burning her because of how often and strong the treatments were. My grandmother used to sit there and not be coherent or not know who she was or sometimes the grandkids or her husband. We all understood though. We all knew this was going to be a long ride or this was going to end soon and none of us wanted that to happen. She was progressively getting sicker and there was nothing I could do about it. We moved forward and did all the things we needed to do for her and as a family we were one of the strongest families around no questions asked. One day she had gotten a call or was at the hospital or something along with that nature and she was told that the doctor that had done her test reading had read it wrong and she was given the wrong treatments of chemo. (Leukemia lymphoma) Fill with info!).
So for that time of around 2 years of treatments they were treating her wrong and with that kind of treatment being wrong they were just put here in a microwave and frying her. By this time there wasn’t very much to do. There was only one shining light of hope and it was this amazing doctor from Pittsburgh that took care of my grandmother. She trusted this man to save her life, as did we all. All within a month, we had to film a documentary with the attorney that was handling the case with my grandmother and that’s when we all kind of knew this wasn’t going to end well. After all the filming and stuff was done it had started to run into the holidays and man they just were not the same and you could tell. She had been in Pittsburgh at this time staying in a hotel room right across the hospital where it was filtered air and just everything was super clean. Her prepping had come to an end and it was time.
The family gathered at west Penn before the surgery. The drive was quiet but I knew everyone was just in their thoughts as was I. I had hoped due to the percent that she had told us of making it through it all. Which to us kids was around 80 percent; you know something to make it easier on the grandkids to understand. We all gathered in this waiting room and the room filled with silence for a bit you can just feel the tension in the room and that’s not what my grandmother wanted. She wanted us to be ourselves, talk and be a family and we did it just to break the ice. We all know my grandmother was the one to break that ice. We all talked and the time we had seemed so short but all said and done it was time to go. My mother and I wanted to stay just in case we needed to be here. But my grandfather was not having it he wanted everyone to go home and relax for the night. Remind you if something happens we are an hour plus away. Well, Lewis had calmed my mother down to the point where we all went home. The night grew old and sitting in my room thinking she will be okay I'll just call her tomorrow. Now, this is where the nightmare became a reality. I had woken up early to dead silence, my stomach turning and head spinning, it felt like a movie a haze filling the room but not just the feeling there is. I walked downstairs to my mother making coffee and I just remember looking at her and I said I don’t feel right something is wrong, she also had the same feelings. Shortly after the phone rang, it was like a horror movie. She raced to pick up the phone and it was my grandfather. Mostly all that was said to me was we needed to get the whole family there as quickly as possible. We scattered and collected the family and drove my mother to make it there in around a half-hour to forty-five minutes. We pulled in and I had my great grandmother in a wheelchair. We rushed to where we needed to be in no time. As we got to the final stretch to see her my heart was racing hands shaking. My heart slows as we approach
The room. I see these women in this bed that I had no idea who she was. I had thought maybe I had the wrong room or something. I just remember looking at the nurse and saying that isn’t my grandmother. She had gained a massive amount of water weight and she was attached to this machine with all these clear tubes running a tank and in that tank was the blood that was being cycled out and back in because her body couldn’t do it by itself. We were told she can hear but she cannot respond or open her eyes. A large part of me died in a matter of minutes. A cold shiver went up my spine rapidly into my brain and everything lost colors and feelings and it got really cold. We were pulled into another room to talk to the doctor about what was going on and what had happened and you can tell a lot of hate and anger went right to him in the room. But as we were explained she crashed the percent we were all told was indeed super low the real percent was only five and she had made it through that five percent chance. The issue was cancer got so bad it had taken over and this is where a choice changed the lives of many.
One thing I will never wish someone has to do is to choose someone if they live or die. The switch of never seeing someone again, seeing their smile or feel the love from someone again. While they made this decision I got to spend a few last moments with her to where she could hear me. Things no one has ever heard but us two. Those things didn't let anyone forget her. I was sorry if I didn’t say I loved you enough and that I’ll take care of grandpa. I just don’t want you to go but it will be okay and if you can’t do it by yourself it is okay to let go someday we'll all understand. At that moment she squeezed my hand with all she had in her and a tear fell from her eye. I knew it was time I knew this was the goodbye that I had nightmares about sleepless nights. Shortly my mother returned and we talked to her some more and then the rest of the family had said their goodbyes. As I sat there in my chair in the waiting room I waited and waited and then the real meaning of empty had filled me, a ring in my ear it had felt like I watched my heart and mind get sliced in half before me. The room filled with silence again and the ringing stopped…
She was gone but she had let go before the machine had been turned off and you could tell. Peace had filled the air for just a brief minute knowing she had never had to deal with the pain and suffering. But the anger and hate grew with the pain and my head was spinning and I just couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it. What seemed like maybe a half hour I was with my grandfather helping him collect her things and her from the apartment they were staying at once we had all of the things we had left. The drive had felt like hours and hours had gone by not much was said not many tears were shed either. We all had finally gathered at their house. Blank faces across the room, silent tears running slowly down everyone's faces. No one knew what to say. You can tell everyone wanted to comfort one another but you just couldn’t find the words to speak. Some of what happened is just a blur to me. The next thing I know we arrived at the funeral. Smelled of overpowering perfume, you can feel that certain people did not belong here. You can tell my mom was losing a grip on reality; she hadn’t eaten much, slept or even showered much. She wanted my grandmother’s funeral to be perfect and it was as perfect as it could have been. The day went on and it was our times to say our final goodbyes. The effect was kicking in at this rate the women, my mother, my grandmother, and my hero was gone. She would never get to see me grow up, graduate or even get married and have kids someday. MY life had felt like nothing but over. I don’t remember much at the time of burying her. I mostly stayed in the car. We had stuck around my grandfathers for a while every day in and out eventually he had won the lawsuit against the hospital and the doctor that had made the mistake of his life. I don’t remember the exact numbers but the set amount was a million dollars after taxes, lawyer fees and all that he still has a decent amount left. My mother and her two brothers received a good chunk of money out of this from my grandfather. Everyone did something good with it and did well with the money for the most part. But there was another turning point in life that we didn’t know was about to happen.
Chapter Three: The distraction
My grandfather is a hell of a man. That man would give you the skin off his back. He has also taught me about life and god and hunting just all the things a father would teach their child. My grandfather was in a car accident when I was very young. He was bedridden for some time; he worked down at the steel mill; he was one of the big guys down there. He claims to me that I was the reason he wanted to make it through the pain and suffering to live. He says I saved his life and I see that but little does he know he is what kept me alive all these years as a person. He was the father I never had. That man put his life into me and I’ve also done the same as best as I can. But when my grandmother had passed away he had felt an empty feeling that I will never understand and neither will anyone else in this world. It was his wife, his partner, his everything and she was just gone. He always had a good poker face but little does he know he taught me to be so observant that I can feel things in a matter of seconds I can feel things by looking into people’s eyes. But his poker face became a part of his life. He had gone to Vegas numerous times to play Texas Holdem and slots. He had gambled his pain away and no money in the world can ever take that pain away. You can’t replace that feeling no matter how hard you try. At this time I was trying to be around and be his grandson but I also was failing myself. I gave up on myself. So instead I started a new thing. I took my pain and turned it into healing others since I knew I understood people more than they thought I could do this. Well, an incident happened where I forgot my grandfather was in Vegas for weeks. We had talked briefly and he had some scrap in the back. I was going to clean up the house so when he returned it had some life back in and we got to make a few bucks because he didn’t want the scrap money. When I had gotten out back the door was inched open I had told my friend to go out to the front just to make sure they didn't run out the front if there was someone there. I searched everywhere I could and no one was found. His girlfriend he now had which was only like 8 months after my grandmother’s death. Which we will cover that soon also. But anyway she had walked in and had asked why I was there and I explained myself and everything went bat shit crazy my mother showed up, mind you she hated this lady. Some arguments happened and my grandfather called in the middle of everything and he wanted all the keys back whoever had one and none of us were to step foot on the property. A while went on and I and he hadn’t spoken. But one night I and Lewis got into a very heated argument and I had packed my shit and went to the haven I thought I had. Only to get there and have him look me in my eyes and tell me I’m not welcome there. At that point, I hadn’t had anything. I was failing out of school. My mother wouldn’t leave her bed. Lewis was out cheating on my mother because of how mentally unstable my mother was. Now at this time frame, I had been running around with the wrong crew. People who stole didn’t have a home. I was around fifteen to sixteen getting drunk and smoking weed and just not giving a care in the world what happened to me. 2009 is when I knew I had been around the wrong people. One night I had gone to a party just for a birthday with some food and a fire. Towards the end of the night, some kid had flipped the table and knocked everything off the table well when I had gone to leave I had picked up all the stuff being respectful and one of the items was a wallet. Well, I had turned it over to the owner of the home and went on my way. Several days later I had been with my girlfriend at the time and I had received a phone call from a cousin. Asking how I was and what I was up to. Now my mother had just gotten off the phone with me and had told me to come straight home. When my cousin had asked I hesitated a while and asked where. Well, she had said the school is only 100 yards from my front door. So we went… As we pulled in there were people flooded in the parking lot and the jungle gym all familiar faces. As the car came to a stop we started a conversation. The names of these men will not be named for this. They know who they are. I was asked if I had seen a wallet and I had stated yes because I did. I told him what it looked like but I did not open it. I had handed it to the owner of the home and he was there. He looked at me and said listen he’s telling the truth I told you leave him alone. Something was screamed in the background and after that it was black. I remember thinking to myself I was dead there was no way I was getting out of this. Eventually, I had come to and all I have seen was my girlfriend over my body and she was getting hit over and over and over again it had been over 45 minutes and the worst part about it is. I had a whole text written to my mom to come over to the school and call the police but as I was hitting send it when I got hit in my face. Eventually, we had gotten away and driven. I couldn’t move. I felt super drunk but I just kept hearing he’s dead. I just closed my eyes and next I was being helped out of the car. This burst of energy exploded in me when I saw she was hurt. I also ran in the house and went right for the shotgun that was always in the closet. But it wasn’t there. It was already loaded in the back of Lewis’s car shortly after my grandfather had rolled into the parking area. I had gone to sit in the back of his car and he had all of his guns with him also. Shortly after that, the police had shown up with 2 of the men who had assaulted me. The anger I had I told that cop and them you had 1 minute to get off the property or id kill all 3 of them and not think twice of it. He had gone to turn them in and an EMS had shown up shortly after that. I wasn’t worried about myself. I knew I’d walk away. I was more worried about my girlfriend at the time. Which ended up being a total joke? I had over 10 blunt traumas to the head, slightly torn iris; I developed TMJ in the jaw neck and back problems due to how much I was beaten. But something in me wouldn’t let it be about me. I just couldn’t let it be about me. That’s not how I was raised. Well, I never returned to school because all of them went to the same school and having to deal with 46 individuals in a small area was not ideal for me. Also yes 46 people now 3 days after that had happened to me. The person who had stolen the wallet returned it to the owner of it. So now something that happened to me was pointless I had almost gotten killed over some paperwork for the military and around 10 dollars in weed. Needless to say, the people who deserved what they got did get what they had coming to them. My grandfather and I started spending time together again slowly and it was something that I needed but also was just me masking my real feelings towards my life and the situations I was in.
Chapter Four: Meeting darkness
At this point in my life, I had slowly figured out how to deal with depression and what I can do to make time pass. I accepted that I meant nothing. So I focused on everyone around me. I tried to help fix my mother, my grandfather also looked over my siblings in the mix. I had a girlfriend different one this time. I was around 23 to 25 at this point. She helped with the things wrong in my head and she created this weird feeling in my chest like you swallowed a napkin which sounds stupid but it’s a good thing. She was beautiful no matter what with makeup, without it didn’t matter this girl was smoking hot to me. Her eyes and smile were pretty weird too but it just fit with me. It felt like I met the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But here was the major problem with that. My stupid ass didn’t realize I was just getting worse by bottling up my feelings and not expressing myself because let’s face the hard truth of this world. We Men Aren't the Way We Should Be. It’s called being the stableman and the men that grow up without a real father have to be the man of the house for their mothers. But anyway sorry about that rant just if you’re a dude reading this I get it and believe me express those feelings it draws people closer. So anyway I drained this girl she tried so hard to help me and I knew she loved me but when I felt she was trying to step into an area that no one was allowed my walls came right up. So I didn’t trust her. I began to not care anymore. I pushed her away like I had done to everyone in my life at this point. But when I realized in reality I was losing her, I panicked and tried everything in my will to get this girl back. But needless to say, she was gone. The pain grew and my brain felt too big for my head, like if I didn’t talk to someone or do something I was going to explode. This next part is a hard one for me to write down on paper let alone put out there for someone to read so bear with me while I try to explain some things. There are a few times I had almost taken my life 3 to be exact. The first one was after this stunt I had pulled on probably the best thing that had ever happened to me. I sat there one-night drunk. I had around 2 bottles of Smirnoff 100 proof vodka blue cap clear bottles. I was down at the dam around my house. I was in my lifted piece of shit jeep just existing. All I could think about was I mean nothing. I have no one, my family fell apart, my girl left, I didn’t have a job, I didn’t live. I lay in the water and went under holding my breath hoping to just fall asleep. Something weirdly pulled me, it felt like the tide had tugged me, it felt like hey you can’t do this get outta here. I sat on that beach for 4 hours and cried my night away. I knew this darkness in my head was getting worse. I knew I had lost control. Several days had gone by and things got better again for a little while. I didn’t want to die but no one wants to die. We just feel that way. Days grew to months which led to me getting a job working at FedEx. Now at this time I was doing pretty good and had money for a car and a job. It was all falling into place where I wanted it to be. As I spent while at FedEx I loved the job and just hated who I worked for with the contractor there. I just bought a brand new car. 2019 Civic sport with all blacked out everything SI wheels the whole nine-man…I felt on top of the world. My grandfather was in my life everyday. My mom was doing good. She had moved and was living in Florida with this new guy who wasn’t so bad. Dude just needs to open up to her but that’s none of my business I guess, whatever mom. Anyway, life was making sense. I just struggled with the fact that my grandmother was not there to see all the progress I had made. Also, I wish the girl who had left me was there to see all the steps I made to make my life better. Now notice that the last part of the sentence I made my life better not myself. I tricked my head once again into thinking everything was okay. Well, the girl had come back into my life shortly but again disappeared which hurt just as bad as the first time. This leads me into round 2 the time I thought my life was going to end. The same spot I go at the lake to go into my head I was there just thinking about I was just sitting there and over and over again in my head I said if I’m gone all the problems tied to me go away. Mind you I never told anyone where I was but somehow a friend showed up and talked to me and realized how hard I was crashing and falling. I owe that man my life debt I can never pay but oddly he related to me and understood some of the pain. So once again we are back on this train of I think I’m fixing myself but little did I know this was only me getting right back into the mix. Several months have passed and I have gotten a new job. Working with driving again and tires now. Easy job I loved , boss , was awesome, worked with a friend and coworkers was awesome, so once again I thought I was on track again mentally and physically. Now I have a new girlfriend, a sparky character. I think I was more into the feeling of having someone than anything because I thought I loved this girl. But one night I was down bowling with my grandfather and I had stumbled over and caught myself feeling hot and dizzy . I felt like I was going to just drop dead. But I dragged myself to my car and tried my hardest to make it look like I was okay truth be I couldn’t see anything driving to the hospital I just kept saying I’m dying kind of laughed with my sense of humor like really dude stroke while bowling’s going to take my ass out like this is how I go out? Fuck me right now I haven’t touched this subject because it’s still hard to deal with on a small scale but that’s strokes I have had 4 in total by the age of 25. Also on top, I’ve had 2 mini heart attacks. The time I’m speaking of is the 3rd one I’ve had. So I get to the hospital walk-in and check-in, I wait about 10 minutes for someone to see me and tell her with half of my body working I think I’m having a stroke. I said to that lady I’m one of those people who aren’t in a rush when it comes to my problems, shortly after I fell to the ground. I opened my eyes and I was in a room with a laptop and the man was talking to me about some pill he wanted to give me. I thought I was dreaming or hallucinating. I just remember him running simple tests of lifting my left leg and left arm. My face was sagging and I just can only help to remember thinking all these times I wished I was dead and I tried to fix them and this is it for me. I can hear the man in front of me but it was kind of like the faint echo of a voice. He said something along the lines of whatever this pill was to clean the clothes in my brain but if they were not in my head there was a small chance I would die on the table in 15 to 20 minutes. I rejected and took a deep breath. I leaned back and I tape played in my head from when I was little playing in the kitchen with my shadow to the moment laying in this bed that smelled like death and after 6 days I had returned to work. Now the reason I think I had the stroke is kind of selfish but is the only thing that makes sense is the most recent ex, not the one who left me because I was fucked in the head but one more after her. I was so stressed out I had lost her and I was losing my job and just once again just my whole life crashed and folded on top of me. I felt like fucking have died over and over again one day after the next the problems pile the bills stack the car gets repo’d I have a room a bed and a computer. I was in my prison and I had no way out even though the door was unlocked. It was like I was drowning in air and no matter how hard I breathed in I was running out of time. I had one friend by my side and that was my choice. I had pushed everyone away. I started smoking cigarettes again pack or 2 a day depending on the days I was smoking weed again but sadly that was my way out. I spent 4 months high every day from the time I rolled out of bed till I closed my eyes but see I was mellow I was happy I found a form of an inner peace that let me talk to my ego and sort something’s out of course I started small on the list of things I wasn’t so much worried about like a job and a car and all that those things come over time and work and right now I need to work on myself. So I was in this haze for these months and I learned a lot about myself and things I didn’t know I could do. I was getting my creativity back and my head was clearing and I just enjoyed who I was again. But this was the beginning of feeling good and happy and just flipping my world because the journey has only begun.
submitted by LegoMyEgoForGood to offmychest [link] [comments]

top 10 worst starting hands in texas holdem video

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The 20 Best Starting Poker Hands. The best starting hands in Texas Holdem are big pairs and big cards. Of course, we all know the power of AA, KK and QQ, but JJ-TT are also premium hands. Some have a hate relationship with JJ and TT, but I love being dealt these. Just don’t get enamored with their preflop power and if all signs point to you being beat, just fold. What’s great about all ... Top 5 Worst Starting Hands for Texas Hold 'Em Poker You Gotta Know When to Fold 'Em. Written by. Erik Arneson. Erik Arneson has been writing about games since 1999. He's the author of a gaming book and the former VP of the Strategy Gaming Society. Learn about The Spruce Crafts' Editorial Process. Erik Arneson. Updated 12/18/20. Pin Share Email Illustration: The Spruce / Ellen Lindner . At the ... All Texas Hold’em starting hands can be separated into two categories: “suited” and “offsuit”. Suited hands contain two cards of the same suit, like J♣9♣, A ♥ K ♥, K♠Q♠ and 9 ♦ 3 ♦. All other starting hands are in the offsuit category, like A♠8 ♦, 7♣5 ♥ and K ♥ 9 ♦. When you’re reading an article from the Upswing Poker blog, or looking at our free ... Play only the cards in the 10-best list and always fold those in the worst hands list. Following this strategy may improve your results. However, there's no guarantee that receiving a strong starting hand will take the round, or that a weak starting hand is a definite loss. You never know how the flop may run, and while an unsuited 2 and 4 might seem like one to deal, sometimes you'll be ... Even a "top 10 hand" can be the wrong hand to play depending on the situation you're in. Since a definitive guide on every hand and how and when to play it in every situation would take more words than a novel. This article will touch on the major points of basic pre-flop hands with broad strokes. Texas Holdem Starting Hands A pair of aces is one of the best starting hands in Texas Hold'em, but do you know what the top worst starting hands might be?If you know which hands are "almost-always-fold 'em hands," meaning that you're going to likely fold when you have this hand, you can better evaluate what you're holding at the start of the game. Knowing how to spot these fold 'em hands are an important part of ... One of the keys to being a strong Texas Hold 'em poker player is to know which hands are playable and which are not.This list of the top 10 best starting hands for Texas Hold 'em is a good place to start learning. Do keep in mind, however, that there is some disagreement over which hands are the best, and it does depend in part on your skill level and style of play. Hellmuth presents a list of the top 10 starting hands in Texas holdem, and he suggests that you ONLY play hands from that list. His list is a little different from the one I present below, though. His list consists of any pocket pair of 7s or better, plus ace king suited and ace queen suited. My list is less bull-ish on pocket pairs, though. I also include some more high hands that have suited ... Top 10 Worst Starting Hands In Texas Holdem, 888 poker net worth, poker venice club, slot machine animated gifs. Prize pool: 100% up to £50 + 50 free spins. Wager. 444. Free Spins. €500. 3. Competitions & Races. Percentage. 710. €200. For Players from. CATS. Bonus. 0. You have already created an account. Please login with your existing details or contact customer services if you need any ... In his famous Super / System, universally regarded as the bible of poker strategy books, poker legend Doyle Brunson devoted the third chapter to his list of 10 trouble hands – or starting hands that should only be played in certain situations if at all. And Ace Queen was at the top of that list for Texas Dolly.

top 10 worst starting hands in texas holdem top

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Most Controversial Poker Hands ♠️ Poker Top 5 ♠️ ...

The first thing you'll do in each hand is assess the cards you're dealt and see if you can spot the "monsters" in a sea of "trash". From Aces to 7-2, find out how your starting hands are ranked. There are 1326 starting hands in the game Texas Hold'em. To the best of my knowledge I am the first person to ever photograph all of them!!! LOVE POKER!?!! Check out my Kickstarter project: https ... How To Play Poker - Learn Poker Rules: Texas hold em rules - by Cashinpoker.com - Duration: 9:31. Rob Akery 3,692,175 views Poker staking, buying poker players into tournaments or cash games in return for a share of the potential profits, is most likely as old as poker itself. In a new book, two poker players take a ... TOP 6 MOST CRAZY POKER HANDS OF ALL TIME!Help us to 200K Subscribers - http://goo.gl/BvsafoIf you are reading this, comment which one was your favourite poke... The next video is starting stop. Loading... Watch Queue ... Skip trial 1 month free. Find out why Close. Top 10 Texas Holdem Tips footballfan8989. ... TOP 6 MOST CRAZY POKER HANDS OF ALL TIME! ... Learn how to play no limit texas holdem before the flop. Skip navigation ... Top 5 Poker FOUR OF A KIND Hands EVER! (Poker QUADS) - Duration: ... Worst Starting Hands Poker Tutorials - Duration: ... TOP 10 MOST ICONIC POKER HANDS OF THE DECADE!Help us to 200K Subscribers - http://goo.gl/Bvsafo Turn on the '🔔' to get notifications for new uploads!If you... Poker is a game that is typically played in good spirits with a keen sense of fairness and etiquette. However, sometimes things don't go to plan and voices a... Learn to Play Poker in no time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDrh8fn1zxL3e8i_fjYi0e_0_Our poker tutorial is a great way to learn the card g...

top 10 worst starting hands in texas holdem

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